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I am of a fairly pleasant and easy-going nature.

But when I am aroused by the injustices of this world, my wife would be first to attest to my ability to rise like a wildfire. I am not a man to rise to anger easily. 

 But I became very angry when I read yesterday's article and watched a video in the comments section. It was a long video ( over 6 hours long ) that started with 7 minutes about Australia.

It brought together some of the " highlights ' of the past 2 years of Australia's response to Covid. The lockdowns, the things done for " our own good " and things done to " keep us safe."

Things that reassured us that we were all in it together. Well, let me tell you something. 

The only thing that we are in together is in a deep swamp of despair and fear.

What is seen in baby segments is bad enough, but when they are put together, they are incomprehensibly powerful. 

The video was posted in the comments section of the previous article. 

As one commenter said yesterday " I am appalled by the drastic tactics used by the police on ordinary people. Pushing people to the ground ... throwing them and then sitting on them and using cruel force to subdue them. What must the world think of Australia and its Government for allowing such uncalled-for measures. I have seen all these before, but join them together and it does something to you and it is not nice. "

Personally, I think that is an understatement. 

My rage is matched by my frustration that we have fallen so far so fast.

 Welcome to the New World Order.

The Premier of Victoria Dan Andrews led the pack. His happy band of fellow Premiers trotted along behind him with similarly draconian and stifling lockdowns. Police went from the people you went to for help to the people you came to fear and despise.

Our so called PRIME Minister sat back and shrugged his shoulders saying that there was not a lot he could do about it. 

Borders between our states were closed. 

At the first Constitutional Convention in Sydney in 1891, Sir Henry Parkes said : 

"I seek to define what seems to me an absolutely necessary condition of anything like perfect federation, that is, that Australia, as Australia, shall be free — free on the borders, free everywhere — in its trade and intercourse between its own people; that there shall be no impediment of any kind — that there shall be no barrier of any kind between one section of the Australian people and another; but, that the trade and the general communication of these people shall flow on from one end of the continent to the other, with no one to stay its progress or call it to account."

And so Section 92 of our Constitution was written. 

To subsequently close our borders for 2 years is a clear breach of the intent of the Constitution in my opinion.  But close they did.

Two years later, we are now in a state of turmoil as vaccine mandates are ruining our nation, our society, our familial relationships and our sense of patriotism. 

To find ourselves , in February 2022, watching our own citizens gathering in our Nation's capital and having police use harmful crowd control weapons deployed against ordinary men, women and children of Australia is disgusting and terrifying.

Yesterday I read 

According to the Geneva Convention: “Parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants in order to spare civilian population and property. Neither the civilian population as such nor civilian persons shall be the object of attack. Attacks shall be directed solely against military objectives.”

The Geneva Convention applies in times of war. It seems puzzling that in times of peace the same rules do not seem to apply. "

Can someone please tell me how we have sunk so low so quickly and when will we ever emerge out of the sewer that is our country today?

 Because I am buggered if I know. 


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