


Can you help keep Patriotrealm on line?

We welcome any and all opinions.  However, if you are a lefty troll with hopes of getting an audience, your comment will be deleted. Trolling, doxxing and repeated comments will be deleted and you will be banned from the site on a three strikes you are out basis. 

  • We encourage purposeful and well argued debate.
  • Stay on topic as much as possible.
  • Watch your language.
  • Swearing is fine as long as it is not sexually derogative.
  • Anti semitism comments and anything making light of sexual deviancy toward children will be deleted.
  • There is a fine line between acceptable and unacceptable - let commonsense be your guide and you will be just fine. 
  • Death threats and the like will be reported to the authorities.
  • Comments published do not reflect the views of the site and are yours and yours alone. However, when a comment has the potential to get the site into trouble, it will be deleted. as will you.

Please refrain from personal attacks, hate speech and profanity. Rudeness and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Comment as though you were face to face. Be civil - leave out personal digs. 

Under no circumstance will you republish or share on any other website or social media or blog any comment made on this blog elsewhere. It will mean immediate banning and potential legal action. 



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