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A duck goes into a bar and orders a pint and pie and proceeds to read a newspaper.

The barman says “ we don’t get many pint drinking newspaper reading ducks in here, where are you from?

The duck replies " I’m a plasterer from the site across the road"

After a few days of this the manager of the local circus comes in to the bar. The barman tells him about the duck and says he might be good for the circus.

The manager tells the barman to ask the duck next time he sees him if he wants a job. When the duck comes in the next day the barman mentions the circus.

" Is that where they have a big tent with a pole in the middle? " says the Duck.

" Yes " says the barman.

"And they have animals and acrobats? "

" Yes " says the barman.

The duck looks perplexed and says “what the fook would they want with a plasterer?"

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