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The problem with Ivermectin used in conjunction with Vitamin D, C and Zinc is that had it been deployed from the start to treat a very treatable bug,


Of all the crimes committed by the political front men and agents for the globalist attack on our nations, the withholding of, denigration of, denial of or studious ignoring of Ivermectin and Vitamin D was among the most murderous.

Thousands suffered or died who could have been saved had not the government stood by and let them die so as to forward the vaccine agenda, the obsession with which has not yet been fully explained or justified.

By cutting off access to or denigrating or discouraging or forbidding the use of  known, safe, inexpensive remedies such as Ivermectin and others – and thus helping honest doctors do their jobs – the front men for the vaccine faction turned a solvable problem into an ongoing nightmare and through their negligence or duplicity killed tens of thousands of their own citizens.

It is not the first time in history that governments have cynically murdered their own citizens to further some criminal agendum or other but let us demand that this time the perpetrators and their collaborators are brought to justice.

The following video gives you a very good insight into just how effective a remedy Ivermectin and Vitamin D are.

Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Ivermectin and Vitamin D

I urge you to make a cuppa, sit down and watch it. It's long but well worth your time. 

Paul E. Marik is a professor of medicine and serves as Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He is known for the vitamin C sepsis cocktail, which is under active multicenter clinical trial.

 Ivermectin, the anti-parasitic drug that exhibits anti-viral activity

Ivermectin was first discovered in the 1960s by Satoshi Omura, a microbiologist at Tokyo’s Kitasato Institute, and William Campbell, an American biologist and parasitologist who, at the time, was working at Merck Research Labs in New Jersey. As part of the research agreement between the institute and Merck, Omura isolated microorganisms from soil samples collected around Japan and conducted preliminary evaluation of their bioactivities in hopes of discovering a new anti-parasitic. Promising samples were then sent to Campbell’s lab in the U.S. for further testing.

Among those Campbell received from Omura was a single soil sample that contained an unknown potent compound later named avermectin. Avermectin is produced by the bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis and showed potential as an anthelmintic. To this day, no other source of avermectin has ever been found except for S. avermitilis. Hence, it is considered an industrially important bacterial species and used exclusively for the production of avermectin and its derivatives.

To improve the safety and biological activity of avermectin, scientists chemically modified the compound to produce the now popular anti-parasitic drug, ivermectin. Initially introduced as a commercial product for use in animals in 1981, ivermectin proved useful against a wide range of parasites, such as lungworms, mites, lice, gastrointestinal roundworms, horn flies and ticks.

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But the benefits offered by ivermectin are not limited to only cattle and pets. Soon enough, researchers found that this anti-parasitic drug can do wonders for human health. For instance, ivermectin can improve nutrition as well as overall health and well-being. It is also an effective treatment for two disfiguring neglected tropical diseases, namely, onchocerciasis (river blindness) and lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis). These two diseases are caused by parasitic roundworms.


Recently, a series of studies on ivermectin reported another useful activity displayed by the drug. Australian researchers found that ivermectin exerts potent anti-viral effects against two viruses that cause life-threatening human diseases, namely, the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) and the dengue virus (DENV). According to their report, which appeared in the Biochemical Journalivermectin can prevent infection by both viruses by inhibiting the transport of viral proteins to the nucleus of target cells — a process that’s critical to the life cycle of many RNA viruses.

Besides HIV-1 and DENV, ivermectin has also been found to limit infection by other viral pathogens, such as the West Nile virus, the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and the influenza virus. Because of these reports, Wagstaff and her team decided to test the activity of ivermectin against the Wuhan coronavirus. (Related: Melatonin therapy a promising coronavirus treatment – study.)

Ivermectin can control coronavirus replication in vitro

For their experiment, the researchers infected cells commonly used for virus isolation experiments (Vero/hSLAM cells) with SARS-CoV-2 isolates. After two hours, they treated the infected cells with ivermectin. Analysis and quantification of viral RNA harvested at different time points revealed that ivermectin reduced the amount of viral RNA present in the sample 24 hours after treatment. After 48 hours, the researchers found a 99.8 percent reduction in cell-associated viral RNA, indicating that the anti-parasitic drug can effectively kill the coronavirus.

Agbayani mentioned a Sept. 2020 study that found ivermectin can block the receptor sites of the virus on human cells. This can effectively prevent the virus from ever getting inside the cell. Agbayani continued by saying there are over 80 clinical studies that examined ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19. He believes these studies “should be enough proof” of ivermectin’s abilities. He continues to promote ivermectin both as a prophylactic and a treatment for people who test positive for COVID-19.

To further test ivermectin’s effectiveness, the researchers conducted another experiment that involved treating SARS-CoV-2-infected cells with serial dilutions of ivermectin. Similar to their earlier results, ivermectin significantly reduced viral RNA at all tested concentrations of the drug without being toxic to cells. These findings further cement ivermectin’s role as a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2, which, like HIV-1 and DENV, is also an RNA virus.


“Taken together. these results demonstrate that ivermectin has antiviral action against the SARS-CoV-2 clinical isolate in vitro, with a single dose able to control viral replication within 24–48 h in our system,” wrote the researchers in their report. “We hypothesize that this is likely through inhibiting IMP [importin] a/B1-mediated nuclear import of viral proteins, as shown for other RNA viruses.”

Based on the drug’s mode of action, the researchers are positive that it could help reduce viral load, prevent COVID-19 progression and limit person-to-person transmission if given to patients in the early stages of infection. The critical next step, they said, is to further evaluate the benefits of ivermectin treatment in COVID-19 patients by conducting clinical trials. They also proposed examining a multiple addition dosing regimen that mimics the approved usage of the drug in humans.

Article republished from Natural News






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