Can you help keep Patriotrealm on line?




Over the past few days, we have had issues with disqus deciding that certain people are banned, or unable to log in.

We have experienced posters being banned because a third party has decided that our comments sometimes offend someone.

Threats of being banned from the platform... 

Things are not good.

One poster lost 10,000 upvotes. That was not fun and not fair.

I have tried to help, but I myself got locked out unless I use a VPN which I am using now. I cannot log on to my own website to comment from my Australian IP address. I am barred from commenting on my own website.

This is troubling, to say the least.

Is it disqus or is it Australia?  I truly do not know.

Our small, insignificant little website is having some interference for certain posters and I have some concerns that there is a little bit going on behind the scenes.

Why can I not log in using my local IP address? The only thing I have found is that the users experiencing difficulty also visit sites that are somewhat right of left.. For some reason some of us are unable to  perform certain tasks. I am one of them - unless I use a VPN.

Which brings me to disqus and VPNs.

Do we all need to get VPN? 

I don't know.

Do I ditch disqus?

If I do, I will have to invest a a bigger package for the website - a big upgrade in cost. I will need to install new software that, while not horrendously expensive, is a cost nonetheless.

Are you guys prepared to create new avatars and logins? Are you prepared to lose all your comments? Gone. 

It is a big decision.

I invite your feedback and input on what is a most serious issue for the future of Patriotrealm. 

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