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Novak Novax is now a household name throughout the world - even with those who have never followed tennis.

Australia has managed to put a tennis player at centre court and serve him what they thought was a political ace... when in  actual fact, it was a very BIG double fault.
Yes, it was Australia who messed up - not Djovovic and they bloody know it. But it is too late now - they served him the shot and he was sent off the court and the fans are not happy.
You see, what the Australian Federal Government who forgot to check how this man was allowed to enter into Australia in the first place.
They forgot to check that the players had the same edition of the rule book that they had... and, where sport is concerned, you have to play by the rules.
So, let us have a look at the rule book.
The players  were INVITED to play by Australia Tennis.
This invitation was offered in the form of a letter.
The invitation was given and accepted.
Australia is the worst party planner in history.
We invited guests and they accepted. When they arrived they were sent to a gulag.
What the hell is going on in Australia?

We offered people a seat at the table and when they arrived we sent them to a prison? Is this what we have become?
We sent them the rules and the dress codes. We told them that is how they need to dress and behave.
They comply and all of a sudden, the bride's mother decides that it is THE GUEST's fault for not realising that the letter the groom sent out was crap.
This is the wedding of monumental disasters.


Why Scott Morrison chose this hill to die on is beyond me.
But he chose it and his hill will be his gully and trust me, the gully is deep.
Sport is NOT the hill, gully, cliff or place to stand when the alternative is a precipice.
And Morrison has just chosen the precipice over which he will plummet.
 game set match scaled
image from
He supported the participation in the Chinese Olympics.
In spite of the horrific human abuses in China.
Yet condones detention of people in Australia who had visa's that his government decided were invalid.... after they were granted?
Australia has become a laughing stock. A place that no one in their right mind would visit and a penal colony where being granted entry is now subject to change at any given moment.

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Who in their right mind would ever visit Australia when a visa can be so easily cancelled?
We are now in perpetual uncertainty because our government has decided that a visa is only valid if they think it is valid... many people will disagree with me and say that it is his own fault. 
However, how can you follow the rules when the rules keep changing?

Australia is no longer Australian Open
Australia is closed.
 Further reading:


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