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Every day that goes by, we try and comply our way out of tyranny. 

People all over the world have fallen for it. They have complied.  They have said " OK. I will do what you want if it means I can get back to normal. " 

Only, it hasn't happened, has it? 

People who did not want to get the shot,  got it, complied and said that they would do whatever it took, so long as they could get back to normal.

November 2021


The longer it goes on the harder it is to know what normal is. After all, we hardly know what normal is or was anymore. 

I left mainstream life a while ago and only return to say that normal is where I am and you poor bastards have forgotten what normal is. 

As soon as this covid thing happened, I knew that things were going to go north of south and I said to my wife that something bad was on the horizon.

At that time, I thought Trump would be the saviour. But I also had a fear that he would be over because he had failed to get the support he needed. 3 years was not long enough. We decided to leave mainstream life. So we did.

We went off the grid in Northern Australia and have been building a life there. 

We are back in "  town " for a while reconnecting with friends and family and trying to make sense of what has happened in our absence. Our current location is not something I choose to share but I do feel sorry for the millions of people who are living in this shithole of misery and fear. 

The first thing we noticed is that people no longer talk to each other on the street or in the shops. No one seems to look anyone in the eye anymore. No one is laughing. No one is having fun. It is almost as though the guts has been knocked out of the country while we have been away and the only people who see it are those who have not been present while it happened.

This slow and unsettling descent into the collapse of the human tribe. 

We are by nature a tribal species. Whether you came from the cavemen or the indigenous Australian or the Canadian Innuit, we instinctively gravitate to small communities that bind us together through trust and shared history.

Every neighbourhood is a tribe. We trust each other to keep an eye on our house while we are away. We moan and bitch about a noisy party or a troublesome neighbour. If they do not fall into our tribally accepted level of behavior, they are shunned. They often sell up and move out, much like a troll who is banned from a website or an unwelcome guest at a party.

Communities can be small and they can also be made up of many tribes all united in a shared philosophical vision of what is right.

Unfortunately, when a community becomes too big, it loses its way. Think of the European Union and the current vision for a New World Order. One government for the entire planet.

It doesn't work and is doomed to collapse under the weight of its sheer size.

Where community life is concerned, small is better. 

We can spot the ratbags and rascals.. We know who they are. They cannot hide in the monstrosity that is bureaucracy.

We have three tiers of Government in Australia. Federal, State and Local.

So many people believe that we should abolish Local government. I do not. I believe that each council would be more effective if run as an independent nation. Dump the federal and state. Imagine if the people in the community and the local tribes could sort out the local issues and local points of concern. 

If the country of 50,000 residents had a leader ( formerly known as The Mayor ) who had to get back to roads, rubbish and revenue, we might see better community management.

I believe that a well-run country of a smaller population could be a better place to live than a country full of fat cats in a far distant city that shares no tribal connection to me and my mob.

Or worse still, global leaders living on a far distant continent where not one member of government has been to the community I call home. 


The broken record of promises forgotten. If you get the jab, you can get back to normal. If you want to keep your job, get the shot and you can get back to normal.

If you want to go back to school, go back to work, go back to having friends at home, go back to life... just get the jab and you can get back to normal.

People queued up and rolled up their sleeves and complied. For no other reason than they wanted to get back to normal.

You want to get health care because you have Cancer? Get the jab and you can get back to normal. 

Want a drink on a Friday night with your mates in the pub? Get the jab. Back to normal.

After 3 jabs, surely to goodness people have woken up to realise that compliance does not get rid of tyranny?


Like me, many people said " Only one? "

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