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“Those great times we once had before the "world went mad". I wonder if we'll ever see them again?” 

Oh yes, we’ll see them again, but it will take time, and will involve a degree of ruthless dealing with certain people responsible for the foul miasma of personal misery, economic hardship and irretrievable loss to many people as well as to the country, severe psychological damage to many, adults and children alike, that has enveloped the world and its people like a choking cloud.

Whether the general population, many of whom unless directly affected are not interested in the trauma associated with “ruthless dealing”, will be prepared to support such action remains to be seen, as in most cases they have not done much in the way of research and are unaware of the scope of the grim future ahead. I believe it is correct to lay the blame for the current situation on the actions, and sometimes the lack of action, on our elected decision makers.   


In particular, the vigorous campaign to persuade everyone to accept injection of the “vaccines”, the wearing of masks, and in an act of criminal stupidity the banning of two proven effective, economical, easily administered alternative medications already having a huge success overseas, and instructing doctors not to prescribe them … okay for scabies, but not for Covid?

Japan just flattened their biggest covid curve yet, and they did so by legalizing and using ivermectin. In almost every country, infection rates and daily death records have increased with each new wave of sickness. The public health advice of lockdowns, isolation, mask mandates and mass inoculation programs has only continued to cause larger curves of sickness and hospitalization. The withholding of viable treatments, a crime against humanity, has all but crippled humanity’s ability to adapt to and recover from respiratory infections. But there’s hope in Japan, where ivermectin has been deployed to help people recover from covid-19 so they can have more durable, lasting immunity. source: 


The huge amount of money spent on these “vaccines”, on various testing kits of varying accuracy, and on fees paid to administer the jab, could have been more efficiently and effectively spent, as has been done in overseas countries, on preparation and distribution, at little or no cost, of Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic in small quantities to be provided under medical supervision for individual treatment. But if such alternative treatment were to be shown to be readily available and successful, then it would no longer be possible for the “vaccines” to be used under emergency regulation. 

As it is these jabs have already been shown not to prevent infection or to prevent it spreading, and worse still there are huge and increasing numbers of reports of serious adverse side effects up to and including deaths directly attributable to them. 


It will be necessary to identify, name , and charge with crimes against humanity, all associated with this grotesque operation. German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and his team are presently engaged in such a project.  Meanwhile it would seem desirable for all injections to be ceased to prevent further catastrophe in the future.


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a trial lawyer who has gathered all the evidence from 100 scientists that the covid pandemic is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. He is working with 1000 lawyers worldwide to sue all who are complicit in this crime against humanity. They are preparing a second Nuremberg trial.

They have the evidence that the PCR test is a fraud, unable to detect a virus. Also the lockdowns have no scientific basis.

To see all the evidence for yourself, go here:



Weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning..(Psalm 30).

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