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We are at the showdown folks. This will be showdown. This is the thing that will sort out who Australia is, what Australia is and the future that Australia can look forward to.

We are about to sort the wheat from the chaff my friends and I believe that the husk is about to get very thick. In fact, we will be so covered in it, we won't know the hell is going on.
Don't get me wrong here - we saw the introduction of Greeks, Italians, Kiwis, Hungarians, Poms, pretty much everyone from everywhere back in the old days. You know the ones - when people came here to GIVE and CONTRIBUTE and WORK... you know those days. We fought, fought hard. We built things, we created a Nation that was Australian and we were laughed at and we didn't mind. Being an Aussie was somehow a badge of honour and we loved it. Still do. 
The Crocodile Dundee, Steve Irwin, the Leyland Brothers ... we were so Australian it was almost making Chips Rafferty look like a Pom.
We loved taking the mickey out of ourselves. We laughed with and loved Dame Edna. We cherished her like our Queen. Anyone who dared call her a man was given a boot up the arse. Edna was our FIRST LADY and we loved and love her for being our wonderful, glorious and eternally OURS.
Sir Les Patterson was a rather embarrassing chap who went on to represent us.
Inspired by old mate Chad Morgan.  
We did not really appreciate his drooling or his unkempt clothing, but we love and loved him. And still do.
Sir Barry Humphries is an Australian legend - though I have often felt his claim to fame by associating himself with Dame Edna was a bit of an overreach. 
Who truly thinks that Barry Humphries was Dame Edna?  Give me a break.   We all know. 
We had all of this wonder and joy and delight and things like " Skippy the Bush Kangaroo " and " Coogee Bear " and the infinite celebration of being " Australian."
We started to become Australian.   
Roll on and being Australian was somehow wrong. We ditched roast lamb and mint sauce in favour of and favour of the Middle East.  
Fish and Chips became curried or spiced and our menus, our language, our identity became different.  While the Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, Chinese and Vietnamese all embraced the gift of being Ozzie some new people started to arrive.  They, for whatever reason, did not like our way of life. Our beer-drinking, fun loving, laughing, hard working, sweating and matesmanship was not to their taste.
They simply did not like us. 
They did not like our larrikin, take the piss, bugger you, have a beer mate way of life. No. 
They didn't like US.
So, they started to CHANGE us. Our historical Australian vibe. We Australians know the value of the " vibe" . Any REAL Ozzie has watched the movie " The Castle " at least a million times. We all know who microwave Jenny is and who " Jenny Jenny " is. It is almost like a passage of Australianism to watch the " Castle".
We have changed. We are no longer the Australia of Steve Irwin. He is gone. The day he died, strangely enough, Australia died.
We are now a Nation of kebabs, curries, halal certified products, imported Chinese goods, no manufacturing and no bloody hope.
Our electricity price is through the roof. Our cost of living is beyond belief. Being Australian is Racist and - well, being Australian is bad.
In order to become a " modern Australian " one must NOT be or appear to be Australian. 
The new Australian wears a mask on her face. Just like we are now expected to do. 
THIS IS AUSTRALIA.  Like it or bloody leave it.
No matter what, Australia as we knew it is dead. Unless our Government fights back against this takeover. 
When Darwin was bombed 80 years ago, who thought that our own government would bomb us?
I watched the speeches at the Commemorative Service in Darwin.
They disgusted me.
Full of apologies and politically correct bullshit.
I watch the news from Ottawa in Canada. Wellington in New Zealand and Canberra here in Australia.
And all I can say is NO.  

Our grandfathers did not die to have us fall on our knees because we are too weak to stand up to tyranny.


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