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When a fellow commenter wrote his article about his days as a dispensing chemist all those years ago, little did I realise that it would excite such commentary on the many social media channels I belong to.... how a chemist is now a drug dealer and a doctor is a pimp for Big Pharma. 

It did open an interesting dialogue. The loss of the local Chemist and Doctor and the creation of the pharmaceutical god that now rules our lives. And the clock is ticking down. 

   It set me back to thinking about a movie I watched many years ago.  

In fact, the soundtrack was the first album I ever bought.

I remember saving my pocket money and buying the vinyl... ahh the good old days.  

Easy Rider. 

Little did I think it would become a new world order for me.  A place to come back to and stay " wow ! I did not see that coming. "   


Our recent article about the fond remembrances of an octogenarian chemist stirred many hearts. The days when our chemist was someone we trusted. Much like our Doctor. 

And is that not interesting? Our trusted health practitioners are ... no longer trusted.

 How our world has changed. The men and women who used to be our health practitioners are now our health destroyers. 

Our pharmacists are becoming the drug dealers who dispense the poison that is destroying our faith in two trusted institutions; our Doctors and our Chemists. 

I am not for one moment suggesting that all Doctors or all Chemists are part of this sellout.  No more than I would suggest that all police are part of the brutality that is stomping our lives into the mud and filth that is called The Great Reset.

But life is certainly different and the credibility, the trust, the confidence we once felt.. well, it is gone.

 I no longer go to a doctor. I no longer speak with my chemist the way I used to.

I walk in, purchase my vitamins or my ventolin and then walk out, thankful that I was not required to show my vaccination status.

It has been 2 years since my last confession - oops - sorry - my last consultation.

When the man or woman behind the counter who asks me why I have a prescription from an online doctor rather than a local doctor, I just shrug my shoulders and pretend that I did not hear them. Being mature "sometimes has its benefits.

I merely say that I find it " more convenient. "

The chemist that fills my script ( for mild blood pressure medication ) smiles and pops back behind his desk and accesses his computer and looks up my medical record and presses " PRINT " and off I go... a new script from a Doctor I have never met and never spoken to and someone ( a Doctor and a Chemist ) have just added a few bucks to their holiday fund.

Our entire health CARE has become health DON'T CARE.

It is all about MONEY.


And when a Doctor or Chemist questions what is going on they are suddenly silenced.

The entire fiasco about Covid has been about money, power and suppression of free will.

When a dispensing pharmacist or Medical Practitioner is told to do what the government dictates, I wonder whether health care is actually something that we should be looking at in greater depth before the next election?

Or will we just put on our helmets and fly off and smile as we are supposed to become the birds who cannot fly but delight in our clipped wings?


Who is in charge of our healthcare? 

At present, it seems that it is not our once trusted Doctors and Pharmacists.  It appears to be some unelected government official telling an entire nation what to do and then having the cheek to tell our health caring people to do what this unelected idiot has deemed as gospel.

How long can this go on before the wheels fall off?

Not very long at all, I suspect. 

In fact, I would suggest that they should be dispensed with. 



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