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We are living in a strange world at the moment. One that is full of lies, deceit and manufactured misinformation and disinformation.

What is true? What is an illusion? ran an article with a lead image that has upset many people on social media. Monty has been called a faggot, a traitor and a poof. A fairy and much more besides.

I wonder, however, how many people read the article or merely judged it by the lead image? Sometimes we need to be confronted by reality in order to wake up. 

One outraged commenter said that this kind of filth does not belong on his comment feed.  Another said that her son was a serving member of the American Forces and the expressed attitude was a disgrace.

It made me realise that when MSM use an image to convey a message, that is OK. But when a blogger uses one... beware of the fury of the public.

For example, an image used by one such site receives little or no outrage, save that which seeks to condemn the Russian troops. 

They forget that the same image is actually from 2012 in the Middle East - and not from Ukraine at all.

But that is OK. Independent blog bad. MSM good.


The lead photo yesterday was not a lie. It was not a misrepresentation.. 

It showed a soldier embracing his loved one and no comment was made about the " tone " of the image, save to say ( in the comments section ) that it was found confronting but perhaps it articulated a great deal.

Images were chosen of transgender members of the American Military. Because that is something that needs to be addressed in a time of potential war on a grand scale. 

Who can possibly argue that the idea of a WOKE American Military is a good idea? 

Who can say that transgender men wearing lipstick and high heels will frighten Putin or Xi into a feeling of reticence?

For myself, I feel more comfortable with Patton, McArthur or Stormin' Norman than Peaches McGee or the soldier from the recruiting ad who is cheerful to know that her Military is inclusive and embraces woke luvvie duvvie idiotic " I am a Military Fairy and all I want is world peace.. " rhetoric and nonsense.

I doubt that the Chinese or Russians will respect their personal spaces or their pronouns.

watch from the 2 minute mark for the Russian version. As it said " we're fucked. "

Our blog is full of pro Trump, pro Defence Forces, pro Military History and pro decency.
We are not called for nothing.  
Most of our contributors are Christian ( as am I ) and either past members of - or off spring of the military .  
My late father  - an ex naval man - used to call such types " brown hatters " for obvious reasons.... he would shudder with shame if he was still alive.  
If we ignore the elephant in the room, then the degradation of the military will go unnoticed and decent serving personnel will be outnumbered and our countries left exposed to those countries that do not recruit this sort of behaviour. 
Our editor ( an 89 year old war veteran widow ) who is also my mother, said that she felt that her late husband would applaud using the leading image because it highlights the moral decay that has set in. 
Enough with this Military Fairy nonsense. 
Enough with this hating of commonsense and enough of the transgender, gay, lesbian alphabet culture that is destroying our traditions and our cultural standards.
Enough with this fakery.
If and I say IF war is coming, then all I can say is that a woke American lesbian soldier is no friend to the brave and patriotic men who fight to defend brothers in arms. Or fellow diggers from down under. The mates in the trenches of the Somme or the beaches of Normandy. Or the jungles of Papua New Guinea.
While Russia recruits testosterone, America is recruiting diversity and identity politics and worrying about bloody personal pronouns.
When war is on the horizon, I doubt anyone gives a bugger what your personal pronoun is.
What we need is some oil, some gas and some old fashioned MAN power. 
Putin knows that the west is running low on all of these resources.
More concerning, so does China. 
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