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What is going on in the world right now is becoming more and more like Alice in Wonderland and going down a rabbit hole. The only problem is that this rabbit hole is full of murky water, dirty secrets and more filth than a London sewer in Victorian Britain.

Make no mistake: what is happening in Ukraine is about the underground of the sewer of pedophilia, corruption and money. 

As I dive down this rabbit hole, I find myself increasingly holding my nose. The stench of corruption is everywhere. The web of lies is astounding.

As a great fan of the work of JRR Tolkien ( not the movies - the actual book ) I know the nature of the Orcs and the monster spider that is Shelob. That creature that lives in the caverns below Mount Doom and devours innocence and purity like cornflakes at breakfast. All served up with a dash of misery and fear on the side by her adoring and dutiful minions - the Orcs. 

However, maybe one of the orcs was a good guy. A man of integrity and decency. Brave enough to stand in a den of orcs and do his best to defeat the monster that is Sauron.... like Frodo he was struck by an arrow of poisonous treachery and deceit. 

Shelob is, however, just a servant of the ultimate Lord of Darkness... that spider of enormous size who feeds on the bodies of good people.. well.. she is just doing her Dark Lord's work.

My problem is that I am no longer sure who the Dark Lord is.

Is it Soros? 

Is it Klaus Schwab?  

Is it Bill Gates? 

Who is the ultimate ruler of Mount Doom?


I do not know. 

Why are our leaders becoming Orcs and serving this spider that only exists to protect the true lord of Mount Doom?

I genuinely do not get it. 

Is it, dare I say, the devil?

Is that why we never know who is in charge and who is actually calling the shots? 

All we see are the minions, the spiders and the orcs who scurry about doing their master's business.

All around the world, MSM and our so called elected leaders rise to the bugle of woke-ism, and receive their orders.

It disgusts me.

Does it disgust you? 


 I am reminded of something Senator Malcolm Roberts said in one of his speeches:

‘Declining trust in our institutions is not the problem. It is the solution.’ We need to have less of the institutions. "

 Are we going to be content with being discontent? 

Are we happy to be downtrodden and told what to do, when to do it and simply ignore why we are doing it?

In short, are we sufficiently discontent to not worry about being discontent and merely fade away into the shadows and serve a master who lives in a lair and has no name?

While our lives are ruled by the Orcs and a giant spider, we are all too cowered to ask the question: who is the Dark Lord? 


This web of deceit and deception is growing. This control by orcs is more troublesome.

I feel increasingly like Samwise and Frodo , trudging to Mount Doom to hurl that ring of power into an inferno. But, sadly, I fear that as our journey continues, there are more orcs to encounter.

But, like them, we will not give up. 

Nor should we. 

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