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Things are grim.   

We have so many problems and a storm is brewing.   

I suspect that we have a Big Wednesday and a frog outside our window.

We have had a lot of rain of late. 2 feet in the old measure over a few days and more on the way. It has been the heaviest since 1992 according to Redhead's rainfall records ( kept diligently since 1987) and there is more on the way. 

Over the past few days, there has been a frog outside my bedroom window each night as I fall asleep and I am sick of his serenade. Truly I am.

I love frogs. Everyone who knows me is aware that Shaydee has a soft spot for a frog. My travels overseas and my sad times have been shared by a fabric frog for over 20 years and " Mr Frog"  is a much loved and valued member of my recently depleted household.   


In the absence of Miss Bridget, my much beloved feline friend, I have sought comfort with my Mr Frog ( grumpy old bugger that he is ) and I have long enjoyed the delight of our raspy chums who inhabit the damper places of our planet. 

But this young amphibious philanderer is becoming a tad annoying and his love songs are too much. 

I feel sure that even Juliet would have gotten sick and tired of Romeo after the first couple of nights and told him to sober up, bugger off and go home. 

And these days, who know who Romeo or Juliet really are.


But this particular young Romeo of the amphibian familial fondness is very persistent: he just won't bloody stop croaking and singing and telling me how much he loves me and the downpipe outside my bedroom window.

As I lay there last night, seeking sleep after a busy day with Redhead and my eldest daughter ( who, incidentally, at an age of " mature years " still bounces down Redhead's walkway with the same joyful and youthful delight as that she exhibited at 5 years old  - dressed in hot pink and wearing pink sneakers and laughing and announcing " Hullo Granma! with the same delight as she did all those decades ago ) - I just wished that damned frog would just shut the bugger up.

I knew that I had a busy day today. 

As I have alluded to, Redhead suffered a major and catastrophic computer meltdown about a week ago. It necessitated an emergency intervention: the purchase of a laptop until her new tower arrived so that she could get back " online. "

Now, I don't know how you all feel when you have to load a new computer and set up all of those special things that only Redhead wants. 

The special programmes and the special way that her desktop looks. The way her mail and mail washer programmes look on her monitor. The way that the slightest itsy bitsy teeny weeny change to the " way she likes it " is unacceptable.

Having set up Redhead's laptop a week or so ago, I knew that today would be the BIG DAY.

It was like Big Wednesday. The surf was up and it was going to be THE DAY when I set up her new computer.

I sometimes think we need to rise on the waves and stop standing on the shore....


I needed a good night's sleep. I knew that I would have to bring my A-Game. She would be ready with her check pad and ready to " help. "


Oh God, give me strength.

And then the frog arrived. He croaked. He crooned. He serenaded. All bloody night. 

After a few hours sleep, I woke up and showered. 

It was time to face the most helpful person I have ever met. 


At 7 am I arrived, in the pouring rain and the new tower was sitting, waiting, ready. And Redhead was ready to " help. "

It was at that time that I realised that my late my father was a very patient man. When Redhead helps, it is quite overwhelming. 

Scrambled eggs with my favourite ; lashings of parsley and hot buttered toast. Royal Daulton teacups and a pot of tea at the ready. She announced that she was ready to assist with the tidying up of the leads, the dispatch of the boxes and the assistance that I must surely need.

She also gave me the greatest gift of all: silence. 

Which she told me she would give me - over and over again. And again. And again.

She would be quiet. Don't worry about me. I will be quiet. 


Needless to say, I managed to get her new hard drive sorted. I managed to install her special bookmarks, programmes.. and I also managed to install all of the wondrous shortcuts and desktop icons and her favourite desktop photo.

As I drove home, 3 odd hours later, it struck me:

Hearing that voice in the background and being told that you are loved is actually rather lovely.

Yes, it may be - at that moment - a bit annoying - but imagine - if that voice wasn't there?


There was a frog outside my window last night and an enthusiastic Redhead helping me this morning. 

But imagine, just imagine, if that voice was suddenly silent?

Why are our governments trying to keep us silent? 

I hope that I hear that frog tonight and that Redhead " helps" me for many more years to come.

Silence, in this era, is not necessarily golden.

It could signal the death of free will.  

Silence is not necessarily golden.


Oh, did I tell you that I really like allegory?

We are on Big Wednesday. We are on the greatest rides of our lives.

I have no idea how we will end up. But I do know that the frog outside the window is important and Big Wednesday is upon us. 

We need to hear that voice. 



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