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I cannot help but wonder if America is on the brink of a second Civil War. But with a twist. Will it be a Civil War and a Revolution all rolled into one? All while World War III is brewing on the stove and the heat just keeps getting cranked up? 

Americans are growing angry and frustrated that their Government is doing nothing but further push them into subjugation and a position of powerlessness.

As the old novels used to say before the Indian Uprising, the Natives are getting restless.The takeover of America and the free world is happening before our eyes and it seems that we are sitting back and watching a very bad movie where the bad guys win. There will be no happy ending. 

We can only look to history to see the future. History shows us that human society goes through cycles of calm, upheaval, storm and nomalising again. 

We are now in the eye of the storm and the brunt of this maelstrom is about to hit us. 

As the Ukraine is at the forefront of the news at present, the posts full of Covid, corruption, mandates and the removal of personal freedoms have all been put on the back burner.

But they are still simmering and cannot be ignored for too long.

When the first settlers arrived on the Mayflower in 1620 at Plymouth, they had hopes and dreams to found a Nation free of Religious persecution and constraints of the then King of England, King James. 

Over the course of the next 100 years, the settlers grew in numbers as ships brought more and more settlers to the New World and offered the poor and disenfranchised of the British Isles and Europe a hope that they could achieve something that had been impossible in their countries of origin: hope and a future created from hard work and faith in themselves.

By 1765, the colonists had become American and were no longer refugees from their former lives. But trouble was brewing: the British Crown, still overlord to the American Colony, saw their hard work and diligence as an object of plunder. Taxes were levied without consultation with the new Americans. The Crown saw the Americans as easy prey and would not involve them in the governance of their new home whereby they could contribute opinion and insight. All that the British Crown wanted was the contribution of their money and their sweat.

The people grew weary of the British overlord and issued the Declaration of Independence. In it they essentially said that they were fed up with being treated like pawns and had had a gutful.

As Thomas Jefferson said some time later "Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion." 

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It is a tragedy that this very Congress of free Americans are now being assailed by a ruler created from this declaration of a People who fought so valiantly all those years ago to escape the tyranny of a power not OF the People but OVER the People.

Wars have been fought and lives lost to defend those unalienable to Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, here we are today, ruled by Governments and social media giants. We are ruled by opinions from tweets, facebook posts and lobby groups that seek to further drive wedges between people, groups of people, communities and families. We are being ruled by so called experts and locked up, locked down and locked in a never ending cycle of ever diminishing freedoms.

And becoming embroiled in a war that has a far more sinister undertone and objective. One that could be more about politics than people. More about oil than honour. More about fear than freedom.

When you have fought and fought so hard, surely it is wrong to surrender that for which you have sacrificed so much?

The Democrat Party, the Leftist agitators and Social Media; the MSM and even our own Politicians are waging war on the People. Yet again.

In America and Australia, in countries all around the world, the Overlord has returned.

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Do we still have the WILL to fight back? 

And, if we do, will it be a Civil War at the same time?

Citizen against Citizen, family against family and troops, yet again, pitted to fight their own?

As America falls to the tyranny of a Government that cares more for itself than it does for its People, we, as free Nations, will be doomed to failure and lives spent serving in fear rather than embracing the freedom so many of our forebears fought so hard to obtain.

We are at a crossroads and it is up to us to take the road less travelled. Do we have the courage? 


As the Australian election looms; as the American Mid-term elections hang like storm clouds on the horizon, the drums of war are beating in Ukraine.

All around the world, the natives are getting restless and the simmering pots full of vaccine mandates and injustices, lockdowns and frozen bank accounts are about to boil dry and explode.

I just wonder who will be around to mop up the mess?


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