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In Australia and across the world, hard working ants have been replaced by a plague of grasshoppers who consume at such a fierce rate of knots that a Canberra parliamentary smorgasboard would disappear faster than a fact in an ABC documentary about climate change.

And a Washington DC or a Wellington Beehive could cut off the food and shut down the bain marie faster than Biden issuing some pipes to use for rather strange reasons.

Let us be honest:

Politics today is more about drugs, sex and rock and roll than about family, love and loyalty.



 No one can comprehend how low the politicians and bureaucrats can go until you drill down into the swamp that they inhabit.

So what is Australian Politics really all about?  

What is Politics about anymore? Throughout the world?

Ants and Grasshoppers are at odds in a world that no longer makes sense. A world where the hard working cannot cope in the ever increasing burden of the plague of grasshoppers.





Many decades ago, Pauline Hanson, a fiery redhead  decided that she had had enough of immigration and governmental corruption. It was a brave story and one that was intimately known to a previous poster on this site.

No, she is not our redheaded chum, but she is of the same persuasion: fiercely determined and very passionate about what is right and wrong.

From her famous humble beginnings as a fish and chip shop owner in the old coal mining town of Ipswich in Queensland, Pauline launched a political movement that saw Queensland politics stood on it's head in the 1990's.

Her biggest concern was that China was getting too much influence in our country.

For that, many hailed her as a hero and many hailed her as a racist.


The country is still divided on that question.

Fast forward to 2022.

We are now in a wealth of pain as a Nation. The left and the woke have taken over our political houses.


Our people are working harder for less and our rights are shrinking by the day.

The influx of migrants from ethnically diverse nations has created problems we could never have imagined.

Unable or unwilling to learn our language, they suck on the teat of our generous social welfare system and the workers of our nation are becoming less able and or willing to contribute to their support.

They have become Immi Grunts.

We are living in the world of Aesop's Fables - where the Ant and the Grasshopper tale is becoming a nightmare of reality and we are seemingly unable to do a thing to prevent all our hard work and prudence from being destroyed.

And In less than a decade.

We are living in the ultimate before and after world, whereby, slowly but surely, the grasshoppers are killing off the hard working ants and there seems to be sweet bugger all we can do to stop it.


Photo is from Greece but the message is still relevant

 Historically, our ant species work hard. They work as a team and have inherited work ethics.  They teach their young to work hard.

photo from Appalachian Mountains USA. Same story, different country

 Generations of ant colonies have learned the value of hard work and have adapted to the environment that their colony has called home.

They help each other when times are tough.

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott fighting as a volunteer in the bushfire crisis of 2019 - 2020

Mr Abbott was rolled as Prime Minister by Malcolm Turnbull who in turn was rolled By Scomo.

Scott Morrison has become the poster child of grasshoppers, seemingly ( in parodies of course) playing the ukelele and wearing an Hawaiian shirt while Australia burned.

 I wonder what Australia would be like today had Tony Abbott remained the Prime Minister?




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