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When I look around and take stock of all of what is wrong in the world today , distrust is always lurking just beneath the surface.

When a government uses scarcity and urgency, what they’re really saying is, “I don’t trust you to make your own decision, so I’m going to coerce you.” 

Just look at what has happened with the Vaccine Mandates around the world.  With censorship on the internet. With lockdowns and rules and curfews.

So many people trusted their governments and their employers and are now ill and unable to work. Suffering from pericarditis and or myocarditis because they were given the choice between a job or a jab.

They were told to trust the science.

And now, so many, will lose their job because they are too unwell to work .

Please watch the videos. They are relatively short and carefully chosen.

It has not worked out that well for many. Their trust was ill placed and it is now becoming obvious that there is no money back guarantee or reset button to restore their health.

With so many " yeah but..." conditions on when they can draw on their superannuation or income insurance covers, it seems that they have to exhaust their savings before they receive any help from the very people who forced them to decide between feeding their families or playing Russian Roulette with their health.

How can our governments and health officials ever expect to be trusted again?


This “trust rot” is at the core of so much of what’s broken today. We no longer believe our health care professionals. We no longer trust our media and we sure as hell don't trust our governments.

Much like a marriage when one party decides to " do the dirty " the other party is left bereft of trust. And that, of course, leads to a downward spiral, marked by further distrust, and further antagonism, until the relationship finally crumbles. Irrevocably.


How trust grows

Trust is an inherently vulnerable act. To trust someone or something is to run the risk of getting hurt. It’s an act of faith. It’s a massive leap of faith.

That’s why it’s so rare. We’re all wired for self-preservation. And when we feel, often rightly, that the “other side” is likely to abuse our good will, then it’s perfectly logical not to trust them in the first place.

But like I mentioned before, this dynamic can only spiral in one direction—towards alienation and conflict. When both parties wait for the other side to lay down their proverbial weapons, while themselves acting from a place of suspicion and aggression, no healing can ever take place. In this dynamic, a better world isn’t possible.


And it sure feels like the world is headed in that direction. Trust is becoming ever more scarce, and tensions are rising. Between businesses and their customers.  Between the MSM and the audiences.

Between governments and their citizens.


Here’s the hard truth about restoring cultures of trust; someone has to be courageous enough to go first.

To break the cycle of distrust, someone has to embrace the hard, scary, vulnerable act of giving generously without any promise of return. To be trustworthy, we must first trust others. To receive, we must first give.

As elections are looming, I wonder if the winners will be those with the courage to go first.

If our governments don't trust us, why should we trust them?

quote trust me government asks that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on one man that we ronald reagan 138 97 70

Perhaps this is the question that political leaders and political candidates need to answer before we head off to the polling booths.

And the best place to start is coming clean over the vaccines and the terrible damage that they have done to those who trusted them.

For myself? I am pretty much all out of trust right now.....

" Someone imposed the orders. Those somebodies should be the people who should own the results, compensate the victims, and otherwise accept the consequences for what they have done.  " - Jeffrey A. Tucker

Yesterday, we featured John Williamson's song True Blue. And I listened to the lyrics and thought about how they apply to what is happening and what has happened to Trust.

So, Government, give it to me straight.No more bullshit.

Just give it to me straight, face to face.

Are we just another dying race? Is it me and you? Is it Mum and Dad?  Is it standing by your mate? When he's in a fight?

Or will " she be right? "

I am asking YOU. Goverment. Because you did not stand by us.

Can you bear the load?

Will you tie it up with wire, just to keep the show on the road?


Just be fair dinkum.

Is your heart still there?


Do you really care?

Just be True Blue. That's all we ask of you.


Thanks Rob Hardy for your inspiration for this article. Cheers.

 And no, it is not all we ask of you.

We ask much more.

We ask that you give as much as we give you.

How hard is that to understand?

We give so much and you give so little.

What about a bit of True Blue?









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