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The Story of the Judgement of King Solomon is well known. Two women, each claiming to be the mother of an infant, appeal to the King for his Judgement. He rules that the baby should by cut in half and one half given to each woman. One woman cries out and says “ No! “ Give the child to her, only do not cut the child in half! “ King Solomon announced that she was indeed the Mother because the true mother would prefer to lose her child to someone else rather than see it murdered.

Some time ago,  I went to the supermarket. It is a sleepy little area, on the coast and always easy to find parking. I pulled in alongside a scruffy looking campervan – the sort of thing that the local surfers live in while they search out the next wave.

The man who owned the vehicle was standing outside, leaning in through the open sliding door on the passenger side of the truck. Perched on top of the surfboard, the blankets, the jerry cans and empty pizza boxes and the like,  were 3 little kids. Quiet as lambs. They had their little knees hard up against their chest and chins. They were sobbing.

The man was telling them that, like it or not, they had to come and see him because the Courts said that they had to.

One little voice said “ But we don’t want to. “

He continued to let them know that it was not their decision to make; that it was something that they had to put up with.

He wasn’t yelling, abusive or being unkind. He simply was telling them the truth. That, like it or not , they were spending the weekend with him because the Court Order said that they had to.

I hovered around the boot of my car, stalling for time.  Trying to decide if it was a situation worth responding to. Eventually, I decided that they had strength in numbers and he was not being abusive so I went in to the store and did my shopping.

When I returned, he was still telling the children how unfair they were being. He asked them to put their hands up and let him know who did not want to be him. Each hand was raised.

As I pulled out, I was left with an uneasy feeling.

As is the case  in so many situations, one is left troubled by the poor little kids caught in the middle of marital breakup, hard feelings, revenge and ulterior motives.

They were clean, obviously not afraid of their father – otherwise they would not have voted against him. Certainly, their living conditions were far from ideal and his truck was far from the perfect home for them on their weekend with Dad.

On the one hand, it was obvious that the children were not having a good time. On the other, who was I to make assumptions as to his Right to see his children?

Was his ex wife living in the family home and he was paying child support that left him unable to fund a home for himself? Or was he just a lazy so and so who didn’t care where he lived or what he did?

Had his ex wife twisted the children’s opinion so that they were against him regardless?

I didn’t know.

What I did find troubling was that he was spending so much time telling his 3 little kids that they had NO CHOICE BECAUSE THE COURT ORDER SAID THEY HAD TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM.

I found that sad and most unfair. On all parties concerned.

Perhaps the Dad knew that he could not provide an appropriate environment for his kids and was actually apologising? Maybe Mum had gone away for the weekend and he couldn’t take them home?

I didn’t know and will never know.

Sadly, tragically, we no longer see the wisdom and judgment of King Solomon. Some parents today would prefer their child ripped asunder and torn in half by the Courts rather than see them happy. At the moment we are seeing children ripped limb from limb before they are born; emotionally torn apart by their parents and a court system that doesn’t care or,indeed, actually causes damage.

When parents squabble over children like they are chattels to be bargained with, there is the other side of the coin, Where courts and officialdom use them as pawns.

This growing power of officialdom over the rights of parents to rear their children free of government interference is equally dangerous. If not, more so.

According to an article on American prophet,


Earlier this month, a photo of a sign posted at a Wisconsin high school went viral. Showing a Mama Bear surrounded by three cubs–one rainbow-colored, one striped like the transgender flag, and the third colored blue and shades of purple (if this is another alphabet soup identity, I can’t identify it)–it read: “If your parents aren’t accepting of your identity, I’m your mom now #freemomhugs.”

The photo was shared on Twitter by Parents Defending Education (a “national grassroots non-profit empowering parents to advocate for classrooms that educate, not indoctrinate”) and by several social conservative activists on Facebook. Teri Piper Thompson of the Eau Claire Area School District confirmed to Newsweek that the sign had, in fact, been hung up at North High School but had been taken down.

Apparently, this sign had been hung up by a number of teachers. The context of this is particularly disturbing. According to Newsweek, the school district recently had equity professional development training which included this: “Late last month, teachers attended a staff development day in which content included a slide with direction to teachers that ‘…parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.'”

LGBT activists will claim that this training is necessary, and that kids identifying as LGBT face genuine danger from their own families. Government employees, in other words, care more about these children than their parents do, and as such those employees must be both instructed and enabled to protect children from their families. Combine this with omnipresent LGBT sex education beginning in the earliest grades and increasingly presenting children the option of changing genders, and the results are inevitable.

I have received many, many emails over the past several years from parents who discovered, months later, that their child had begun to identify as a different gender at school and that this had been hidden from them. The child would pick a different name and different pronouns for school; school staff would assist the child; parents and family members would be cut out.

The child would generally be given trans-affirmative counseling and ushered into the LGBT club. When stunned parents discover what is going on and protest–often because their child suffers from autism or another disorder that is relevant to the dysphoria–they can be promptly smeared by the school as transphobes.

When that happens, parents are threatened with the loss of custody of their own child; some children, encouraged by the new, affirming ecosystem they have become part of, view any question from their parents as hatred or a questioning of their new identity. Parents are trapped into affirming the need for puberty blockers or sex change surgeries or losing touch with their child permanently. I’ve heard multiple examples of this just in the past year.

Abigail Shrier examines how families have been ruptured by the transgender movement in detail in her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. Children are encouraged to reject their natural families in favor of “glitter families,” consisting only of those who affirm every impulse.

One mother was labeled “unsafe” simply for opposing her young daughter getting a double mastectomy of healthy breasts. Another who lost three children to the transgender cult wondered if she’d ever hear her daughter’s voice again. Another mom mourned: “My once-beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized.”

One mom spoke for many when she penned an open letter titled, “When the trans movement discards my daughter, I’ll be here for her.” Here’s how that letter ended:

Beyond her physical health, I know being transgender will not solve the aches of her heart. The suicide rate for transgender people is much higher after transition than before.

My daughter, like a lot of bright girls, experienced challenges socially. She was often left out and rejected by other kids. She was sensitive, and it hurt.

I’m sure she believes her new identity will heal those wounds. I’m also sure it will not. When it doesn’t, what will she be left with? I want to believe that she will be alright. I’m here, waiting for her. I pray she knows I’m still here, waiting, for as long as it takes. author  Prophecy News Watch

If our Courts and Officialdom wish to take control, then let that control be Just.  Let it advocate FOR the children.

To me, at present, it is simply cutting them in half and no one is there to pick up the pieces of their fractured lives.


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