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Throughout history, we have experienced times of War and times of Peace. But in all honesty, one must question whether there are really times of peace at all?
For there is always war going on somewhere, below the surface, under the radar and far from the prying eyes of the general populace.
There is a perpetual struggle going on between the man sitting on a man's back and the man who is carrying him. One party loves his family and country. The other loves money and power. 
We are fighting our governments at the moment and, as Tolstoy said so many years ago, all we want is for them to get off our backs and let us get on with the job of living.
But we have had this fight with our overlords for many years, decades and centuries. 
We will always be at war, even in times of peace.  

The one ingredient, I find, however, is that even in times of War and in Peace, there is love. And whether that be the love of money or the love of power or the simpler love of family, tradition, country and heritage, all appear to be worthy of a fight.

I suppose it all comes down to what side of the fence upon which you stand. 

As some person said on line:

" Certainly there is love in peace. It is the time of children, serenity, growth. The mother peacefully raising her children. The farmer lovingly tending his fields. The elderly passing their final days in comfort surrounded by family.

But there is love in war as well. The love for one's country. Such is a person's violent attachment to their motherland that they will die for it. To give up your own life so another should live, that is love indeed. "

All we need is for our overlords to get off our backs and let us live, love and be merry.

Yet we have this conflict between the love of the simple man of his children, country, life and freedom... and that of the overlord who seeks to steal it. from us because of his love for power and control.

When so many men headed off to war in 1914, they did so to obtain peace and to protect that which they valued and loved.


No matter which war a man or woman participated in, it was for LOVE. Because War and Peace are all about Love.

Wars have been fought for eons because of love. In fact, without love, there would be no war, no peace : just an endless monotony of mindless existence.

I have often wondered over the past few years since the implementation of the ultimate peaceful war in the history of mankind ( that of the Covid-19 so-called pandemic ) whether peace has become a weapon in a war that no one realises that they are fighting?

What a truly powerful weapon has been launched against the world. The weapon of love.

Love of life Love of family. Love of freedom. All in a realm of peace.

The " war " against covid is a war against an invisible enemy and, as such, it has become the 21st century equivalent of the bogeyman. That which we fear and can never see and are taught exists - even if only in our nightmares.

I have often written about the weapon of fear that is Covid-19. And it has been a powerful weapon indeed.

But of late, I have started to wonder whether fear of covid is merely the ground fire laid down to keep us at bay while the real weapon is deployed: the destruction of Love.

Family units are disintegrating. People are dying without their loved ones by their side. Children are being brainwashed. Society is being broken down, piece by piece, by the ever relentless barrage of the covid guns and woke mania.


Love of God, King ( or Queen ) and Country has been annihilated by woke culture. Our children and grandchildren no longer love anything. They are empty vessels.

What is ironic is that both our salvation and our destruction is the same thing:  

The internet.

Today, the war in peace is very public. Forums, blogs and message boards share anonymous tip offs, snippets of information and stories begin to emerge of deep and sinister plots that defy imagination.

Horror stories of kidnapped children, torture, drugs and human sacrifice. Sexual deviancy and corruption at the highest levels of power.

We have a media that is strangely silent or in bed with those that are waging war. But this time, their guilt is there for all to see - as long as they have the internet and care to look.

People often say that the war in peace is like an iceberg. For all we can see there is a hell of a lot more under the surface.


However, I prefer to see it as an underwater volcano.

It is there, invisible save the odd bubbles on the surface and the odd bit of venting steam.

But when it blows, it will be earth shattering.

In my opinion, the underwater volcanoes around the world are about to erupt and, when they do, it will be bigger than even the media and politicians can cover.


The interesting thing is that this time around, it won't be the abandoned veterans of so many wars that will be fighting for control of the streets, the power and the money.

It will be us fighting our elected governments in defence our very lives.

And I wonder if it will be a fight to the death? Because I cannot see how we can survive and they can survive.

Either we will perish as free citizens or they will perish because we have had enough.  


It is truly up to us. 

Excerpts read by Malcolm


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