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Last night, our site suffered a bit of a hiccup... a massive attack that brought it to its knees. I have stayed up throughout the night to see if I could get it back and have managed to restore it to a few days ago. Sadly, several articles have been lost. 

I apologise to everyone for the interruption to service!

 Unfortunately, while I have been able to restore the site data, I have only been able to restore it to a few days ago. This means we have lost a number of articles.

I pay for a site backup every few days - a daily backup is too expensive for a small site such as this.

But thank goodness we have ( through the generosity of contributors ) been in a position to do what we have done thus far! At least we have a backup. 

Well, there it is folks... perhaps yesterday's article about Daddy's and daughters was too close to the bone for some.... it had been doing rather well.

I will try and restore what articles I can but, in the meantime, thanks for hanging in there.

All going well, I will have our Saturday " I remember when ... up in a few hours. 

My late father, a Manxman, always taught me that you never let others get you down.

If you fall, you pick yourself up. And, if you cannot get up, make sure that there is always someone close by who can lend a hand and help.

It turned out that my help last night was someone from a place called " tech support "

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I have just noticed that the disqus comments are a bit off...  hopefully I can sort that as well.... 






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