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I am a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother. I am also a daughter, a sister and a person who believes in such things as a child's RIGHT to be a child.

The RIGHT to life, to believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa and that rainbows are a sign from God, not scary men dressed up as women. I believe that the fairies at the bottom of the garden are pretty little creatures who sprinkle fairydust and chat with butterflies and kiss my loved ones on the cheek. They fly on the backs of dragonflies and whisper soft words in little ears to calm them as they fall asleep.

And there is nothing wrong with that.

My love of childhood and the RIGHT of every child to experience the joy and wonder of the magic and delight that is their birthright is set in stone. In fact, anyone who tries to deprive a child of the RIGHT to enjoy innocence is a devil, a monster and someone who needs to be expunged from interaction with ANY child. 

Yesterday, a poster here brought my attention to a speech made in parliament in Australia. The impact of his revelation is beyond my ability to comprehend on a rational level. 

And it all started with a 10 year old girl in Australia who brought home a homework assignment.

Part of her homework was to discuss with her father his erections and ejaculation.

Now, call me old fashioned. Call me a stick in the mud. Call me anything you like, but the minute I hear that a school in Australia is sending home homework assignments such as this , I see red. 

It has been bad enough that storytime has been stolen from our little ones because some mentally ill men have been given the right to run roughshod over our libraries.

These grotesque creatures who make clowns look sane and expect us to turn a blind eye while our precious youngsters are confronted with abnormal and indecent monsters parading around as normal?

Bernie Finn, member of the Victorian State Parliament representing the Western Metropolitan Region since the election of November 2006, is one of the good guys.

I will write no more save to say that he is a good man and his speech is very important - not just for Victorians, but for people all around the world.

So here is the speech that got me so emotional. 

I wish to raise a matter this afternoon for the attention of the Minister for Education, and I have to say it is not often in this job I am absolutely shocked. I thought I had seen everything, but this one is just beyond words. It is a note from a constituent who said:

Hi Bernie this is a worksheet that my 10 year old daughter brought home from school.

It includes a photo of the worksheet, and it continues:

Part of her homework was to discuss with her father his erections and ejaculation. I find this very disturbing and sickening.

As indeed do I, I have to say. The note continues:

I have complained to the school and was told it was just part of the curriculum. Can you advise who else I should make a complaint to.

Well, I could go on for days about whom she could complain to. She said:

My daughter still plays with dolls and writes letters to the Tooth Fairy there is no way any little girl should be told to ask these questions.

Well, so say all of us. What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to their father about his erections and about his ejaculations? What the hell is going on here? How the hell are we supposed to protect our kids when this sort of perversion is in our schools? This is what is being dished up to them on a daily basis—and at primary school, not even a secondary school but a primary school. This is just unbelievable. It is staggering. I have three daughters. I could not imagine the reaction of any of them if they were told to do that. They would be traumatised for life. I do not think they would ever recover. I am not sure I would ever recover.

This is just deplorable, and it seems to me to be a part of the ongoing war by the Andrews government against children in particular in this state. Let kids be kids. A 10-year-old girl should not be exposed to this sort of material.

I think it is deplorable, and I challenge anybody here tonight to just ask yourselves: would you be happy if you had a 10-year-old and she was told to go home to talk to her dad about his ejaculation and his erections? Would you be happy with that? Would you be relaxed about that? My God, I would not be. I would be horrified. Indeed we should all be horrified. So I ask the minister to conduct an urgent investigation to remove this material and ensure that no other child is put in the situation that this poor 10-year-old little girl has been put into at this point.

Something is terribly wrong in our world right now. We have to do something. Now. 

I am beyond angry. I am in despair.

This is a global issue and we, as loving parents, grandparents and great grandparents must intervene.

We need an intervention. 


 Stop the world. I want to get off. 

If this is one sample just one sample... what else is going on? Who is pulling the strings? Is it the Education Minister? The Premier of Victoria? Or some other foreign identity? Who knows. 

But somebody HAS to be held responsible.

And by God, they bloody should be.

The blatant disregard for family values is an exercise of arrogance. They no longer care what parents think. That they actually put it in WRITING and promote it!

It is disgusting and this little girl is bringing it home to her Daddy?

Many years ago, Redhead was told, by a headmaster of a school, that she had a vitriolic tongue when she complained about certain parts of his teaching methods. 

Well, I can tell you right now, Redhead's vitriolic tongue would be nothing to what she would have to say about this inexcusable breach of family values. 


And my Dad would back her up every step of the way. 

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