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Many eons ago, in the olden. golden days, we had this thing called free speech. Alas, that Right has become a Privilege. Now, I will hasten to add that free speech is not about freedom to abuse or freedom to ridicule.

It is freedom to debate, discuss and investigate freely. 

Since I started this modest blog a few years ago ( before the world went mad ) I have noticed that the freedom to speak is restricted to those who are of the squeaky wheel variety. The vocal minority get all of the traction and action and we 90% get sweet bugger all.

I find it somewhat ironic that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. And, in most cases, this is actually true. The climate change evangelists who rabbit on and on about reducing emissions are flying all over the planet telling us not to do what they are doing.

It seems that " THEY " can silence our voices and " THEY " can embrace, laugh, hold parties and generally have a lovely time sans mask... yet we the peasants, are supposed to cower in fear because " THEY " told us that we should be frightened.

Well, I am bloody sick of it. 

It reminds me of that lovely old movie " Footloose " when the wonderful Patrick Swayze said " no one puts Baby in the corner. " 

But put in the corner we have been, endured and - despite my incredulity - are actually accepting. It defies belief. 

Though, it must be said that those brave people who dared to speak out are now in prison or under orders from our governments to keep their mouths shut or risk being locked in a wellness camp or some sort of social prison... who could have foreseen this 2 years ago?

Why is it that it is fine to speak about pedophilia, transgender rights, gay rights and the right to abort a baby - when it is not OK to speak about the rights of children, the rights of traditional couples, the rights of little one waiting to be born - or actually born?  Why is it so wrong to speak of such things? When so many in society agree with the " old fashioned " views, why is it that the squeaky wheel in the corner gets the airplay, the oil and we are told to grind to a halt? WHY?

When did we allow this horror show to start? 

Years ago, the curtains pulled back to reveal a stage, a movie, a world of entertainment and delight.


Now, we realise that what happened behind the curtains was more dreadful than we could have imagined.

How is it that our governments are embracing the " rights " of 10% of the population of our nations to close down the free speech of the vast majority of the population?

More importantly, how, why and when did we allow this to happen?

I am sure that many of you wonder why I closed down the comments section on patriotrealm recently.

It was because I am relentlessly trolled by people who disagree with our conservative, traditional, family oriented views. And I need it to stop. 


Apparently the Tooth Fairy is a transgender freaky male who is able to enter little one's rooms at night and Father Christmas is a happy fellow climbing down the chimney, entering the bedroom and giving them gifts.

How the hell can the 10% twist Santa so badly? And the Tooth Fairy?

Is there anyone out there who will stop this insanity? This distortion and demented twisting of childhood wonder?

I closed down my use of Disqus on my site. People here are pretty cheesed off.

It was sad to do and I know that it has cost our beloved site dearly. 

However, if I cannot control the comments on the site, I risk losing the site. People have suggested that I have been too brutal, too judgemental.  Yet they do not know the number of hours,  the time spent on creating and maintaining a site.

Social Media is a great way to have a penpal. To chat, laugh and exchange ideas and points of view.

But when the trolls descend, you can bet your bottom dollar that Hell is on the button of the elevator and they intend to bring you down with them.

 The many hours each day I spend are significant. It is through the generosity of a few that others are able to enjoy this site. 

I suggest that we are not a site to pop in from time to time and have a bit of fun chatting and alternatively abusing or ridiculing other posters. Perhaps we need to safeguard our comments and let others read but not necessarily be able to respond to?? 

It seems wrong to me that our octogenarians are carrying the load right now.

If you want your right to comment back. how about kicking in a few bucks?

At the end of the day it is about money. 

And the squeaky wheels never buys any grease.

I have been exploring opportunities for commenting systems and it is my belief that Disqus will soon be a " no go " for Conservative sites. If we love our countries, our flags and our children, we may suffer the dreaded banning that other sites have endured.

Yes, I closed the commenting down.

Yes, I know that it pisses you off.

I am activating Disqus but only because I know that it will have to replaced. And Soon. 

There will be a morning after. 


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