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This message is for all freedom-loving patriots in western society but more specifically I wish to speak directly to my Aussie and Kiwi mates today… Most Australians and New Zealanders are very aware of the significance of ANZAC Day…

For those of you who are unfamiliar with ANZAC Day…it’s a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates all those Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars.

It is observed on 25th April each year. Originally ANZAC Day was to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) forces who, in WWI, landed at Gallipoli on 25 April, meeting fierce resistance.

What had been planned as a bold strike to knock the Ottomans out of the war quickly became a stalemate, and the campaign dragged on for eight months. At the end of 1915, the Allied forces were evacuated …The Allied deaths totaled over 56,000, including 8,709 from Australia and 2,721 from New Zealand. 


Massive numbers given their total population at that time. However…right now…the current parlous state of both nations …Australia and NZ are due… not to covid 19…but purely to the tyrannical lunacy foisted upon their populaces by an unbelievable evil cartel of communist curs.

I fully understand why a huge chunk of the populace in both countries have turned into placid sheep… 


bowing and scraping to the heinous dictates and mandates being conjured up by nation-destroying communists and their socialist loving worshippers….all brought about by decades of politically-correct UN policies foisted on you by your successive govts’.. both on the left and the right… while they ensured that the socially-engineered indoctrination programmed so many through the so-called education system.

However… today I wish to speak to those wide awake Aussies and Kiwis… those who know full well what has beset states, like Victoria, in Australia and the entire NZ socialist enclave. I wish to remind both nations to remember the suffering…the losses…the pain…the dastardly experiences of the generations who have gone before. The hideous atrocities of conflicts gone by…Look at just that one major scar on your history where you lost so many…Gallipoli … let alone those lost in subsequent wars… where your fathers… mothers… grand-fathers…grand-mothers…your brothers and sisters…your uncles and your aunties… those who gave their all.


But also…not just recalling those who gave their all… but those who came back home shattered and shocked forever. I’m talking to you today with deep emotional reverence as ANZAC Day continues to mean so much to me. I recall as a young NZ boy attending the ANZAC Day parade in our small rural town of 1000 people each year. As both a cub scout and boy scout…we marched behind the WWI and WWII veterans from our local railway station…down the main street…to a tiny side street, where the public library was located. We stood in lines on that street for the reading of the names from the Honor Roll that was located in the library entrance…of those from our community who had fallen in WWI and WWII.

Even at that young age…it always seemed as though our small community had lost so many…the names were read out loudly slowly and deliberately… silence all around…that silence broken only by the words…the names of the fallen … individually acknowledged… then a brief pause before the President of the RSA…the Returned Services Association… would read the following -

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. 


Then the President would look to the lone bugler, behind us, on the steep hill opposite the library and nod.

The bugler would then play the Last Post.


Now as a proud legally naturalized US citizen… I’m not so arrogant as to offer advice to all Australians and New Zealanders…but I do wish to ask you some questions - - are you going to sit back and allow enemy forces…as evil…if not more so, than those encountered in WWI and WWII to continue to remove your freedoms…to assail your freedoms…to restrict your freedoms…to lessen your freedoms…? 

Are you going to allow out of control communists …I said communists…set aside that warm word socialist…are you going to allow communists…to take over your nations without some serious civil disobedience and defiance? - are you going to allow the NWO…the UN…the Illuminati…the demonic billionaires like Bill Gates…the tentacles of the Clinton Foundation…the tentacles of the Obama Jarrett coup cartel to dictate your onshore policies? - are you going to confront these elected officials and their bureaucratic foot soldiers and remind them that you employ them and not the reverse?

Any salt of the earth patriotic Aussie and Kiwi knows exactly what they need to do…remember those who have gone before…remember those who have given so much for both your nations… the answers are obvious… you not only have to push aside these tyrannical destroyers of democracy to one side but you have to stand strong against the goody-two-shoes drongos who worship at the feet of this heinous enemy.

God Bless all democracy-loving Aussies and Kiwis. Stay strong. Be relentless.

Never surrender

Written by @bellysblast on Gab. Transcript from his podcast at

Bellysblast is a NZ born American citizen with family ties to NZ and Australia with a deep love of freedom. The broadcast starts at the 40 second mark.


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