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25 April is a very important day for Australians and New Zealanders. It is called ANZAC Day.

We have these things called Australia Day and Waitangi Day but the left buggered them up. So our last man standing is ANZAC Day.   
Should we be offended because I dared to feel pride in my Nation of birth or adoption? In fact, if my country of heritage is from the old traditional countries, is it right that I am condemned to be a misogynist, a rapist, a sexist and a racist?  I am also homophobic and I should be on my knees apologizing forever for having had the audacity to live?   
That is our current state of play. Only the ANZAC Day man stands, in the rain, alone and trying to shield us from the storm.
 Some years ago, we saw such a man. His name is Israel Folau.   
As Monty said a few years ago " 

If I ask myself who I truly respect and admire in the field of Sports, I would have to say Israel Folau and Margaret Court.

Two Christian sportspeople who stood up for their beliefs in spite of fierce backlashes down under." 

This is our problem here, today on ANZAC Day 2022. It is no longer acceptable if you are white or come from the migrant populations of Britain, Wales, Scotland, Ireland or any of the Scandy countries like Denmark, Sweden or any other place from Western Europe. The Germans are verboten.  The Eastern Europeans from  Poland, Hungary or elsewhere are now not the flavor of the month. As for Russians? Hell, send them to the gulag. 
In fact, the only migrants welcome are from places like China, the Middle East, Africa, and pretty much anywhere where the person who is a migrant or ( in the modern vernacular ) is a " refugee" and anywhere that hates us. 
You see, our great great grandparents and others beyond and before fought, ( apparently ) to ensure that no one could come to Australia or New Zealand unless they spoke English - or were prepared to learn - and shared our values and ideals.  
Oh, how things have changed.
New Australians and New Zealanders must NOT speak English.
Most importantly, they MUST NOT be Christian. 

They must not - under any circumstances, like or be prepared to like or love Australia or New Zealand. The white South African farmers? Forget them! They are too much like us. No, new citizens must demand that we change in order to accommodate their culture, their ideals and their way of life BY LOSING OURS. 

Migrants must in fact hate our countries. our people and our way of life. That is the way it is.  

We patriotic old fashioned traditional citizens were up at dawn to salute our dead and fallen, our past and gone. Our military heroes and those who served to defend us from the crap that is going on right now. 

It will be a fine day indeed when foolish things like Australia Day, Waitangi Day, and ANZAC Day are all gone. When we can celebrate world bullshit day and we are asked to acknowledge the planet... oh hell, we already have it.
I can accept if Monty does not post this on today of all days.
But this climate change, gender crap is doing my head in.
It is time to celebrate the loss of so many to save so many and the fact that so few have the brains to realize it.
I really appreciate the trite " Lest We Forget " stuff, but, the bottom line is we DID Forget and we are buggered.
Make ANZAC Day 2022 matter. Make it a turning point. 
I will stand under the Southern Cross and say proudly that I did not fight at Gallipoli or anywhere like that. I fought in another war. But I fought with pride and as an Australian. I fought to march on ANZAC Day.
But I cannot. Because I did not have a kill shot. That hell shot that is killing and maiming so many of us. 
I cannot march because I chose not to be vaccinated.
When a vaccine is more important than the war I fought in to protect people's rights to speak and act freely, I have to say that this is the new agent orange.
I ask that you watch this video to the end. It is very, very impactive.  
Yes, this vaccine is the new agent orange and I want no part of it. I have been there and done that.
This vaccine is the problem. It is not the solution. 
We old buggers who so many hate can accept the hatred we get for having been soldiers. We can accept it from you bastards who after the event ended up buying a T shirt. But never tell me that I cannot stand at an ANZAC parade because I am not vaccinated. I EARNED my right to stand. 
Did YOU?   
And, more importantly, the governments want me and you to be dead because we are descendants of those people called ANZACs.
I suspect this will be our last post and I doubt we will have our reveille. Or did we have it and we simply slept through it?
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