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Once upon a time there were 3 little pigs. 

One was named Squeaky, one was named Boss Hog and one was named " Voter. " 

Of all the pigs, Voter " was the most powerful pig - only he didn't realize it. 

The 3 little pigs lived quite happily for many years in the house that they called " Australia. "  

Squeaky Pig was always worried about who was doing the dishes and who would do the vacuuming. Boss Hog always worried about how much he would have to pay Voter to do the vacuuming and the dishes and all Voter wanted was to make the beds, do the dishes and get on with having a nice clean and happy home.

And this went on for quite some time. 

One day, while Voter was doing the household chores, a Big Bad Wolf knocked at the door. The wolf said to Voter " I have good news!  I have so much money that I can buy this house and let you live here and you can continue working and all will be well. " 

Voter was puzzled. Who was this mysterious wolf who had come knocking at the door? 


 But Voter kept on with his jobs and didn't realize that the wolf already had the U haul in the driveway.

In fact, the wolf had received an email from Squeaky and Boss Hog saying he could move in.

Boss Hog and Squeaky both seemed to like the idea of this Wolf. After all, he had explained that he would give them lots of money and that Voter Pig would not even notice if he was camping in the backyard. In fact, all he wanted to do was pitch a tent, drink some water from the stream and take a few vegetables every now and again.

Poor Voter! Silly Voter didn't have time to see the wolf pitching his tent or drinking from the stream or popping in to take food or milk the cow. Nor did he notice that the woodpile was shrinking and that there seemed to be a lot more wolves around of late.

Still, he comforted himself, Boss Hog and Squeaky assured him that the wolves were friendly and needed to be treated as one of the family. 

In fact, they were starting to get a bit testy with each other - and - with poor Voter.

They started to say naughty things about blowing the house down and how the wolf should never ever ever be offended!


But one day, after Voter had made the beds, done the laundry, swept the floors and delivered supplies to the wolf tent, there was a knock at the door.

There was a little girl, wearing a red cloak.

She said to Voter " Squeaky and Boss Hog are too friendly with the wolf. I can help you. " 

" Come in " said Voter. " Please come in and take off your cloak. How can I help you? " 

Little Red Riding Hood replied " No, Voter. it is how I can help you. " 


Oh no! 

Poor Squeaky! 

Oh no! 

Poor Boss Hog!

Voter looked at the little Redhead and said " but you have been wandering around the woods for years... why have you only now come to help me? "

The little girl said " This is the first time you have let me in.

Vote One Nation, UAP, anyone but Squeaky and Boss Hog. 

The End.


Or it will be .... ?




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