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When the weather turns to rain and wind and throws  cold into the  bargain what do you get?    A feeling of sadness and  what does the world have to offer?      Especially in these troubled times... not only have we still got the virus  but we now have an election  and all you see and hear  are predictions of more  doom and gloom    . Labor is ahead in the polls, Some of our better ministers  are not going to be re elected.  Some Greeny is going to sail into Parliament in  their place.   We will make sure that doesn't happen if we are wise.
When you read about more deaths  or someone is failing quickly it is more sad news that  we can do without. When we look back on a loved one that departed you think of the things you could have done.   

At the time you were too busy trying to show them that they were going to make it and stay with you for a while longer.  but … it didn't happen.    You helped them with tempting them with something to eat.    Held their hand , brought fresh clothing , helped them with a shave  or a    tidying of their hair.  But  when it was all over did you kiss them goodbye.  


Probably not,   too busy trying to be positive.    There has to be a fine line between accepting what is going to happen and doing your best to be helpful and not morbidly negative. How many of us have looked back and wished we had done a few things differently. 

When you think back to elections in the past  , it has always been pretty straight forward.  Has the  present Government done a good job , if so you are quite happy to vote for them again.  This time our Government has not been as strong and in charge as it could have been especially with the way it has allowed the different States to behave.   It seems strange to other States the way the poor people in Victoria and Western  Australia have been treated.  Of course you also read that a lot of the people think they have been well looked after, but the rest of us think that lockdowns, many orders "do this or else"  are not looking after people but just another way of crushing the spirit of people into  compliance. 

Little children trying to breathe through a cloth mask all day  and then find out they have lung problems or can't  breath properly .  What have   we done to them, permanent damage ?  Or is it something that will improve with time?   Mentally also what we done?  In many cases kept them  out of school , deprived them of the companionship of "Mates"  .  All in a very important time of their  lives.  A time that cannot be repeated , it has gone forever.    In between times we have seen all sorts of lovely words condemned as not suitable anymore. 
Who has the authority to  make these decisions.  Look in your dictionary , these condemned words have been around for a very long time. The gender words,  she , he, girl, boy,  man , woman, mother,  father, and now  Mate. !


All I can say, we are on the final run for  Election Day,  think what you want for the next years ahead of us and   vote wisely ,  a change would be really helpful, but it has to be with people  who we can trust , not just people who say the words and you know it will be more of the same,  only probably worse. Maybe time to give some new  people a try at the helm. 
 A certain outspoken but very determined woman  could be a very good first choice.
 I also like the sound of the word  "United"  , that is a good word.   A United Australia , looks good too. 


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