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The music that my parents listened to was romantic and offered hope and expectation of a brighter future. My music was philosophical, questioning and indignant in many cases.

My daughters' music was jaunty, upbeat, and happy. The modern music? It isn't even music. It is just a cacophony of sound. Angry, confused and disjointed. 

Much like the world we occupy today.

 I want to take you on a journey down my memory lane - a place that - these days - is more pleasant that the lanes and highways of the modern world.

I have never played the piano. I once played guitar as a young teenager and used to attend a coffee club with my brother. It was called " Browns Coffee Shop. "  It served hot chocolate, tea and coffee. Mostly, hot chocolate. My older brother and I would front up on a Friday night to a folk club session that they hosted - " The Neck of the Woods".  

My brother had a magnificent german acoustic guitar that he had saved for. It cost $22. An outrageous sum back in 1970. I recollect that my parents chipped in $11 because his money didn't quite stretch to the purchase price of the guitar.

 We were both great fans of Donovan, Bob Dylan and all the folk music that was around at that time, We loved the music of Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez.  My brother even owned a black peaked cap - just like the one that Donovan wore.

Sometime later, he joined a jug band and we moved on from the anti war music. From there,, it was natural, to us,  to fall  in love with music created by such groups as the Ozark Mountain Daredevils.

At the heart of our love of music was a folksy vibe. 

When my brother moved from home and lived a long way from us, I started to develop my own sense of music. The very first album I ever bought was the soundtrack from " Easy Rider. " 

I recollect seeing the movie - restricted to those over 18 and I managed to sneak in and watch it at the grand old age of 15. I was astounded.

It was not long before I found that I had moved on from what I now think of as " shock " music and I returned to my roots. Leonard Cohen, Moody Blues. Pink Floyd. Music that was all about poetry, words and philosophy. 

A love affair I have to this day.

I discovered the delights of Mannheim Steam Roller, The Kinks and Procol Harem.


As my life has progressed and times have changed, I find myself increasingly gravitating to the music of the past and the emotions that they evoked.

I am a child of the 70's and born in post war austerity. 

Yet I find myself increasingly looking backward rather than forwards. 

It has been a long time since I listened to modern music. It, to me, is not music. All it does is makes my soul unsettled. I have often been in a supermarket and the music that is played is so distressing to my soul that I feel like abandoning my trolley and leaving.

Some years ago, I belonged to a Leonard Cohen fan club and we gathered to celebrate his birthday. What a nerd! But it was such a great weekend of poetry, music, philosophy and gentle debate that I still rate it as one of the best weekends ever.

My poor daughter ( a child of the 80's ) accompanied me and endured endless hours of Lennie music, recitals and wonder.

Music is deeply personal. 

For me, it is fond memories of the Neck of the Woods Folk Club, times in a special place listening to music and remembering my wildest dreams.


 I have been watching, listening and FEELING my music for some time this morning. 

And it made me realise that music tells us so much more than we imagine.

A  tale of how we are feeling. How the world is sitting. How the future looks.

I will leave it with Leonard Cohen to take it out. 

Because the future, brother, it is murder. 



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