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I watched a video this morning from a young man somewhere in America. I have no idea who he is. But the words he spoke made me wonder why I have never heard from him or of him in the past. 

I have transcribed, as best I can, his 3 minute video and I hope that you will join me in saying :  " well done young man. Well done." 

If anyone knows who he is please let us know. I would love to hear from him again.

 People will go to great lengths to politicize and weaponize a tragedy. I wanna address the leftist out there that think this is a gun problem. We've had guns here since the Dawn of time, but only in the last 20 years have we had mass shootings every single year. 


It gets more difficult to get a rifle, but every single year we see more mass shootings. So please explain to me how this is a gun problem and not a mental health problem. And you sick bastards, the ones that say, how many children need to die before you give up your second amendment? All of them is that what you want to hear is that the sound clip you're looking for. So you can dunk on the right wingers.

Nobody's out to solve problems anymore.

It's all about dunking on the political opposition to the right wingers out there saying maybe it is time for gun control. Here's a Public Service Announcement (PSA)  for everybody that doesn't seem to quite understand the purpose of the second amendment.  

The Second Amendment's not for hunting. It's not for the range. It's not for self-defense.

The Second amendment is leveraged against your government. It's a dead man switch.

The purpose of the second amendment is to live free or die to the lefties.

Oh, you think you stand a chance against the military?

No, I don't. I'm not stupid.

Push came to shove an AR 15 is nothing compared to an F 35. If it really came down to it, the first Marine who was a decent shot would probably take me out. The point is that they would have to take me out, but I will go down swinging. And most people are tired of saying that what happened is an absolute tragedy and you hear the details of what actually happened in Texas.

It's pretty tough to imagine, even if I thought that abolishing  the second amendment would somehow stop all school shootings. I still wouldn't do it because I'm not some emotional, single issue voter. You can't just look at single issues in a vacuum. You have to look at them with respect to everything else.

Now, more kids die every year, sniffing  fentanyl  than being shot by an AR 15, but you'll fight to keep that Southern border open  More Americans die at the hands of illegal immigrants, but you'll fight to keep that Southern border open. So are you really about saving lives or is it just about disarming your political opposition?


After JFK, we beefed up security -  for politicians after nine 11. We beefed up security at airports, all these tragedies throughout history. And we beef up the security at the places where they occur, except for schools.

There are 380,000 unemployed veterans in the United States.

Most of them are working age, but a lot of 'em have problems because they feel like they don't have a place in society. They don't feel like they have support and they don't feel like they have a purpose. So maybe instead of sending $40 billion to fund a war on the other side of the world, we're spending more money so that children can learn about their teachers kinks.

We could instead put two veterans that are already well trained in every school that would happily lay down their lives to protect those kids to me and for the people and for the veterans and for the children. That sounds like a win-win.

And to all the British people out there, we don't give a …. about what you guys got going on in England. Not one single one of you.  You gave up your guns and the government hasn't turned on you?

Wow. That's because you're a domino and we are the first domino in America. The right wingers are the only thing keeping the entire world in check. 

Maybe you can discuss that over your next Tea and biscuits.  I forgot to mention all the people saying this is a Republican problem because they're all in the back pockets of the gun lobby.

First of all, the gun lobby's broke. And second, all those people crying about the gun lobby, won't say a word about what big pharma is doing to young people in America.

So to all the anti-gun people, you're a liar and a coward, and you don't actually care about children. And to the few real men left out there in Western society, stay hard.


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