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One of the great motivators for suicide bombers and Islamic Terrorists is that of Heaven with 72 Virgins waiting for them in order to while away eternity in a rapture of sex, lust and decadent delight. Or, so I am told.

This blind faith that spurs so many on to a quick exit from this life and on to the next has always fascinated me, but, on due consideration, this life has not been that flash for most of them. So perhaps the promise of better things ahead would act as a real incentive to speed things up and call it a day.

Some of our Politicians must have been promised something pretty neat to have them head for the off-ramp and onto the highway to post political heaven . 

Why do our political leaders try so hard to lose by committing Political Suicide on the one hand and, on the other, betraying their Party, their People and their Nations? Why? It is not as though their lives are miserable and of no value. They sup the finest food and wine; live splendid lives in splendid homes and enjoy wealth that is not necessarily obscene, but is still pretty damned good in comparison with the rest of us mere peasants.

So the quick exit cannot be because life is so horrible that it is better to shoot through quickly and get it over with. Which brings me to the 72 Virgins. What the hell have they been promised that is so marvellous, so tempting, so much better than what they already have?  Because it must be something very attractive indeed that has led them to throw everything away.

Why did Scott Morrison throw the last election?

His lack of decisive action, decisive words and decisive message set the Coalition up to fail. By adopting a dithering and soft limp wristed stance on the Paris Deal, Immigration, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Coal, Farmers, Water, Electricity supply, and price… Morrison won no votes from the left but lost his base because he failed to speak for them. Even blind Freddy can see this. By kowtowing to the left, he bolstered the left and alienated the moderates and the right. By openly attacking One Nation he did the left’s job for them. They need only sit on the sidelines and smirk whilst he made home goal after home goal. 


In days gone by, the Coalition played the historic Jeff and Mutt routine : the Liberals were the voice of quiet reason and the Nats would jump up and down demanding a fair go for The Bush. 

I simply cannot imagine someone from the bush driving an electric bucket ( with an extremely long extension cord ) down a dusty dirt road destined for Dirrinbandi … I just can’t.  They worry about being able to manage THEIR land the best way they can, without the Government telling them what tree they can clear, what land they can graze their stock on or what water, if any, they are allowed to use.


Morrison must have been promised one hell of a prize to get him to commit Political Suicide and detonate himself, his Party, his Government and his Country by throwing Australia to the Labor Lefties Wolves.

The question is What is it?

Because, sure as faith, it will not be something that comes free of a sting in it's tail.

 But will the sting be for us or him?

I have a sneaky feeling we already know the answer to that..... 

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