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A boomerang is an ancient weapon created by Australian Aboriginal ( Indigenous ) People. It was and is a hunting weapon. If it hit its target, the boomerang could be used for the future. 

If, on the other hand, the weapon missed its target, it would come back to wait until it could be hurled at another time to harvest its prey.

Trump is a master boomerang hurler. He throws the boomerang out and sometimes it hits and sometimes it misses. But he always knows his target. When he misses, the prey, whether it be a " kangaroo ", a " snake " or a wayward " lizard ", the object of his aim will always know that it was nearly a victim and it feels the fear of the next attack.

The missed "kangaroo “ who jumps from one side to the other. He feels the presence of the mighty warrior that stalks him; the shadow that follows him and tries to hide in caves and gullies. But he can never rest easily for fear that the boomerang slayer is close behind. Ready to launch the shot that will slay him or, worse stun him.


The stun is the worst shot. The prey is still alive and fully aware that it is about to be vanquished. Death is preferable to stunning. At least death is a quick kill. But to stun you? ? To stun is actually terror: to come back to consciousness and see the eyes of your hunter staring at you and ready – not to kill you, but to make you see that you underestimated his power. 

Trump is a very skilled hunter.

The snake, who betrayed him. Beware the wrath of the hunter and his Tribe. 


He is a skilled boomerang thrower and a skilled hunter. He is also a skilled watcher. He watches and waits. He can see you without being seen. He is the magic man, the invisible man, the man you see but do not see.  

Beware if you are a " lizard " who sneaks and slides amid the stones and the debris.

The hunter knows where your lurk.



Today, the victim knows that it is being stalked. It knows that it is under attack. And it is fighting back, snarling and scratching against a foe that it cannot see and does not understand. It simply knows that it is in danger. 



Its allies are being picked off, one by one. It lurks in dark places and in shadows and tries to step back and huddle in anonymity but the master hunter is out there and every day he is throwing boomerangs and seeking his target. He misses. He stuns. He kills. But he always knows where his target is hiding.

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Are you nervous? Are you scared? If you are one of his hunted, you should be alarmed. Very alarmed.

When you are in this hunter’s aim, you will never escape. He may save you for later or pounce on you in the middle of the night or first dawn.


But you will never sleep. You will always be waiting for the thud of the boomerang, the hiss of its power or the horror of waking up and finding out that you were simply stunned.

How many people around the world are worried about this magical hunter? Frightened, terrified to hear the hiss and the bang of being hit?

Many, I suspect.

And as much as they snarl and try to claw their way out of the cave that they sought for refuge… they are captives.  

Boomerangs are weapons.

If you are its prey, be glad that the boomerang comes back, in the short term,  because that means that it missed. But it will come back. Again and again and again.

The master of the boomerang is still on the hunt. 

And all of the kangaroos, the snakes and the lizards should be worried. Because no matter what, they are in his sights.  And he is still the magic man and we have no idea what is coming next. 


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