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Back in the Second World War when the bombs were falling over London, Vera Lynn sang about the bluebirds flying over the White Cliffs of Dover. She offered hope and fond memories of times gone but, more importantly, good times to come. 

Vera Lynn was the voice of optimism, caring and unity. She conveyed a message of solidarity in the face of utter destruction.

As she spread her message through the underground railway stations and across the battlefields of Europe,. another voice was speaking. That of Lord Haw Haw.  William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to the UK from Germany during the Second World War. The broadcasts opened with "Germany calling, Germany calling", spoken in an affected upper-class English accent.

Enemies from within. 

As the bluebird of Vera Lynn soared over the White Cliffs of Dover, Lord Haw Haw sought to make the bluebird die and see that ONE thing fail for Britain: Hope.


For, when hope dies, nothing is important. People collapse and wither in a sea of despair and say " what is the point? "

Hope is what keeps us alive.

Hope is what gives us courage. Hope is what keeps us fighting when all seems lost.

Without hope, we have nothing.

So, today, I am asking you to rally around, have hope and be thankful for what we have.

Things like the internet. Places we can speak in certain places and freely, without censors. And I say this as someone who has been banned from the bluebird of twitter. I still have Gab.

We can still find somewhere and something to sing.

President Trump has not offered a vaccine for the virus that is afflicting our societies right now.

Far from it. He laid out that things were grim. Very grim indeed.

But he is prepared to fight. 

I cannot help but think of Dame Vera Lynn and Lord Haw Haw today as I write this.

Two people who resided in the same country yet spoke from different scripts. One offering Hope. One offering Defeat.

Following is a parody that truly says how we are right now with left wing media. 

Regardless of parody, I sometimes feel that Biden and current administrations are just parodies. Of course, I could be wrong. 

For myself I will listen to the voice of an angel over the voice of the devil's advocate any day.

I am thoroughly convinced that HOPE in Trump is better than defeat because we listened to the traitors in our midst. 

Life in a cage is not something I signed up for.  I did not sign up for life in lockdown, restricted travel and the ability to work without being poisoned.

I was disappointed that President Trump just announced his candidacy. I wanted more.

But, at least he gives me hope. No matter how slim.

Perhaps he has reminded us that the true meaning of " we are all in this together " is that we are, truly, in this together.

And it will be a rocky ride. 










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