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Back in 2019, I read an article on  ( shudder ) ABC  I don’t normally go anywhere near that viper pit of leftist lunacy but I received an email from a friend who felt that I should read this particular article.

Well, as I said to him, it made my blood boil with anger.

What kind of country have we turned into?

The gist of it was that a 93 year old lady in Tasmania has been approved for home care, so that she could continue living in her home and receive the assistance she needed to preserve her independence and dignity. She admitted to needing a bit of a helping hand with showering and cooking.

But it seemed that she could be in for an 18 month wait to get the help she needed. I do not wish to sound like the devil’s advocate, but, should she have taken a tumble in the shower in the 18 months, she could be “ off their books “ by the time her place in the queue had come to fruition.

This sort of thing is a National disgrace. And it has only gotten worse.

How has Australia become so bogged down with demands on the health sector that it cannot provide the care that has been approved and is so desperately needed?

Once we privatise welfare services, prices go up. It is as simple as that.

Have we become too busy paying for prostitutes for people with mental health issues that we cannot afford to provide in-home care for our genuinely needy? 

Have we created health problems that would not have existed had it not been for the vaccine mandates? Have we reduced the number of staff in our hospitals because the unvaccinated cannot work in their chosen caring professions anymore?  Are we importing overseas workers to replace those who are locally based, eager to work, trained to work but cannot because they are part of the tribe of the unvaccinated? 

The article said that the woman, then aged 93, needed a bit of help in order to stay in her own home. And, might I add, good on her for having gained her PhD in creative writing in 2016 and was living a productive life and was still endeavouring to do so. 

" I now need someone to shower me because I'm very unsteady on my feet and I'm afraid of falling over, and it's nice to have a hot meal because I'm a bit wary about myself cooking on a stove." she said. 

But, almost blind and increasingly frail, she admitted that it was harder..

"Now that I don't feel as well as I did and I'm 93, I need specific extra help here in the home,"

It is not enough that the woman probably struggled with paying her electricity bill. It is not enough that the cost of everyday living has skyrocketed out of all proportion and it is not enough that she had to admit to herself and others that life has become difficult. She had to accept the unavoidable act of aging.

She, having accepted her frailty, her vulnerability and her diminished physical ability, had to wait for EIGHTEEN MONTHS to get some help.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Lakemba, a migrant/ refugee is paid a disability pension and his 4 wives and 16 children are housed and looked after, courtesy of the Australian taxpayer. ISIS " Brides " are being returned to Australia and given homes and funds and access to healthcare and there is money a plenty for Ukraine and funding gender reassignment surgery.


This woman’s taxpayer dollar – whether it be from her or her husband’s hard yakka over decades – is pledged to a foreigner with no history of vested interest or commitment to this once great Nation of Australia, is stealing her ENTITLEMENT to assistance. Such is the state of this once Great Southern Land. Some person with a mental health issue is receiving funding for sexual services and we cannot see fit to look after our elderly? 

Our government gives away millions of dollars , taxpayer dollars, your dollars, my dollars, to help some other country fight an ocean that is NOT rising, not swallowing them into the depths of despair or a watery grave.- or, to fund a war in some place that has a reputation for less than savoury behaviour. 

All to the detriment of the Aussie battler, the Aussie Patriot, the Aussie Citizen… what the hell is wrong with this country?

And it is no better in America. Or Britain. or Canada. In fact, it is the same the world over. 

Can someone, anyone, explain why a man with four wives and 16 kids , who hates me, my religion and my values is more deserving of my help than this Australian Lady who needed our help? Why a person from another country is more deserving of a handout for what is – in my humble opinion – nothing more than blackmail, guilt money and a way to keep the Leftie luvvies at bay – why should they get help at the expense of this person?  Why?

I will tell you why. For the same reason that companies these days spout woke virtue signalling and our governments support woke ideology. Because some loud mouthed social justice warrior has demanded it be so. And because the WEF and all the Alphabet Agencies and groups like UN and WHO  are ordering it to be so. 

Therein lies the problem.

Until we stop this nonsense of letting the vocal minority dictate our sense of right and wrong; our sense of prioritorising who should receive our help before anyone else does; until we accept that we are being manipulated by those WITH NO VESTED INTEREST IN OUR NATION OR ITS PEOPLE, we will continue to slide into the gutter that is the modern world.

A world where unborn babies are treated as tumours, our elderly are treated as inconvenient nuisances and our children are treated as pawns to be brainwashed and terrified into submission to believing insane ideas and objectives …

That is not a world that any decent Australian or any Patriot should accept.

By the way, Joan died on 27th January 2022. 

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