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This whole spy balloon thing has me puzzled. If it was simply taking photographs, then it was doing nothing different to what satellites and drones have been doing for some time anyway. So what the hell was it - really? 

Was it just a way of embarrassing America and showing the current administration up for the weak incompetent wokey idiots that they are? If so, it did a very good job. Never has America looked so weak and foolish as it does in early February 2023. 

A giant balloon soaring across American airspace and they didn't shoot it down until it was out to sea. I wonder why?

It almost makes you wonder, doesn't it?


There is so much weaponry in space at present: why on earth would a giant balloon be anything other than a giant upwardly held finger to the United States telling them " we can do whatever we like. "  

Or perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.... 


 It does make you wonder if their is something else going on. 

The only other reason it could have posed a threat would have been if it contained some kind of virus or poison like anthrax. But I am insufficiently knowledgeable about such matters to form an opinion on the credibility of such a proposition. 

No, I am merely a normal person trying desperately to live a normal life in very abnormal times. But anyone who thinks that this was a " spy " balloon must be a bit bonkers in my ( very ) humble opinion. 


Just shoot it down the minute it entered American airspace! But, yes, it could have landed on some building housing a group of Black Lives Matters sympathisers and  caused a bit of grief, but since when do governments think about a few civilian casualties? Just look at what happened in the infamous lockdowns and current outbreak of " Died Suddenly " ?

The " For the Greater Good " movement works rather well pretty much everywhere except when it comes to overly large Chinese balloons.

It took me back a few years in the height of the lockdown dystopia here in Australia when people were being spied on in their own backyards and on rooftop gardens. When having an outdoor shower or a beer with mates was verboten.

The Drones were and are out there every day and every night. Patrolling.

I was speaking with Redhead one morning and she informed me that there was a new image of her home up on the internet - and my little Getz was parked outside her home. Google Earth or some drone was sneaking around taking snapshots and she was quite gleeful to tell me how lovely her house looked. Wasn't the shrubbery looking lovely? Didn't the driveway look clean and well tended? 

Well, Redhead, aka Mum, you should be very thankful that the photo captured a little Getz and not the backyard shower.

Years ago, when Dad was still with us, he would have a shower outside in the ( fully fenced and private ) backyard and happily shower off after a swim down the beach. I wonder how she ( Or he ) would have felt had the drone come flying over and sneak a cheeky snap of Dad in his birthday suit ?


Of course, on face value, it is an innocent little drone flying over residential properties to capture the beauty of the shrubbery and the pretty little Getz parked illegally outside her home.

But it was back in 2020 that I popped onto the internet to have a look at twitter and saw some footage of a poor fellow in Melbourne who had been caught breaking the curfew. From what I can gather, it was after 8 o'clock at night ( curfew started at 8 pm ) and he was sprung out on his driveway. The Police arrived and the poor bugger was suddenly the number one most wanted in Melbourne.

He had forgotten to put his bins out. It was at the height of the insanity. I doubt that a Chinese spy balloon recorded the footage. 

I have put the video clip below - it starts at about the two minute mark, but the whole thing is worth a watch.

It got me thinking: how did the cops get there so fast? A nosy neighbour? A drone?

I have a friend who makes drones and has done for some decades. His focus has been on Real Estate aerial photos and using them to fly over cattle properties to check the location of stock.

Not to spy on innocent citizens putting their bloody rubbish bins out!

This is a can of worms.

I know someone with a friend in Spain and apparently they were using drones to make sure that people maintained quarantine measures. How sick was this?

What place are we living in where a drone can fly over your home and take photographs of you in your own backyard or of your own property without your permission?

And people are worried about a Chinese Spy Balloon? 

While Redhead was, at first, delighted to see an image of her home on the internet for all to see, she soon wondered just how happy she would have been if that image had been snapped of the outdoor shower?

And, no, the outdoor shower is no longer there. It was dismantled some years ago.

But the fact still remains. How could the cops grab a bloke in suburban Melbourne within seconds of him wheeling the bins down the driveway?

And why are drones allowed to fly over our homes without our permission?

Is there any such thing as private anymore? Or are we all being watched?  All the time. Every single minute of every day.

In 2020 we called them Drones. In 1984 "they " were known as " Big Brother." Today they are known as governments. 

download 2020 08 26T140004

Today, they are called household appliances. 

We are being spied on everyday. Through Smart Phones. Smart TV's. Smart Refrigerators. Our computers. Ipads. You name it. 

Are the authorities suggesting that it is only OK for THEM to spy on us? 

If so, then, as the old saying goes, Houston, we have a problem. 


In truth, I am more concerned about the poor bugger in the backyard shower or the rooftop in Australia; the bloke taking his rubbish out after " curfew " than I am about Google Earth or China taking snapshots of Pine Gap or Camp David. Our governments are as much a worry to me as China is at present because, truth be told, China owns most of our computers, televisions and cell phones that the odd balloon is simply so much hot air.

And our governments.

No, that balloon was either a test, to see how weak America has become; or, more worryingly, an agreement between friends.

Quid Pro Quo. 

And the Biden administration got a capital F in its latest report card and China added a U. Because China now knows that America is some old dude in Delaware wandering around naked and doesn't even know that it is bin night.

Because we are being turned into drones and will become satellites of China. 

It is time to take out the trash America and time for Australia to bin the bullshit. 



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