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These days, it seems that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Biden is racing off to buy another ice cream cone or checking out the latest balloon shop in China online;  Albo is marching with homosexuals; Vice President Harris is marveling that an electric bus can have a USB port ( fancy that? ) and we can all eat ice cream on the electric bus as it explodes because of the lithium battery. 

But it's OK folks. Don't worry. 

When you die from vaccination side effects or freezing to death because of power outages, you can die happy in the knowledge that you did your bit to save the planet.

America is in meltdown; China is smelling the blood of its foes and the wolves are circling the injured prey that is our Civilisation.

So much is collapsing at present that it is hard to know where to start. Brush fires are becoming infernos and pathways to safety are closing before our eyes. So all I can do is to write from the perspective of a besieged and shocked observer and ponder how the hell this will all end.

I am a great fan of metaphor and allegory. Analogy works well for me as well. I often have to use these tools when I find something hard or impossible to comprehend. Normally, I can come up with a story that fits my analogy; but these days, I am being bombarded by so many incomprehensible realities that it is too difficult to find one narrative to fit the bill on so many fronts.

It was yesterday, that I wrote about " puffery. " And boy, did I get a backlash. I was too soft. Too kind. 

But, I tell you what, it got people mad. They got as mad as hell. 

We used to talk about advertising in Real Estate, that you had to sell the sizzle, not the sausage. Our governments are increasingly selling the sizzle and our conservatives in government need to sell the sausage. Get back to facts. Not emotionally driven " BS"  that we endure on a daily basis.


Instead, we have to listen to the constant barrage of drivel that tells us to " feel " or " empathise. "

Well, I am over the touchy-feely nonsense and the puffery that our governments are trying to sell to us as " good government. " 

Youth crime is out of control because the courts have gone soft.


Men are ridiculed and demeaned. White people are judged because of the colour of their skin.

People are divided according to their vaccine status, their skin colour, their political beliefs; their views on abortion, religion and food choices. 

Our governments are ENCOURAGING DIVISION. 

They want it. They love it. They enjoy it. Because a populace divided is much easier to conquer.  

Let's face it: the politicians are not our servants.

They are our overlords. They make up things called " laws " in order to tighten their grip on our pockets, our lives, our freedom and - now - even our words.

As that ridiculous thing called " Valentines Day " approaches, I come back to my previous article.

Puffery. What a load of commercialised rubbish. If you love someone, let them know every day. But no, it is profitable to promote a day of love and boost the coffers of florists and jewelers around the world with a gimmick. 

It started because of a good bloke . Saint Valentine was a priest who helped couples in marrying secretly. Roman Emperor Claudius II, who ruled at that time, did not allow men to marry saying that single men were better soldiers. Saint Valentine was beheaded on the orders of the ruler.

So as people celebrate their love on Valentine's Day, I bet that most of you have no idea it was because of a man of God defying the government.

Forget the flowers and the chocolates - Valentines Day is actually a celebration of Free Will. 

But, of course, that is not touchy-feely enough to be commercially viable. 

Truly, we are living in Hell on Earth these days.

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 And I am not joking.

When China unleashed its flu, it unleashed the hounds of hell on this planet. Without the help and encouragement of lackeys and lapdogs from within our own Nations, this Virus would have been nothing more than a bad flu season.

But they all cried out in fear and created panic and are still literally scaring people to death. 

Economies have been destroyed, livelihoods lost,  freedoms surrendered. All because of a plot hatched in China, by China and with the complicit assistance of the enemies within our own Nations. " 

How will this Horror Show end? 

The forces of darkness are gloating and circling the wagons and we are watching as our world is being destroyed.

Not by " Climate Change " 

Not from a giant star goat or a meteor from a far-off galaxy. Not from an alien race But from within. 

I say yes, from within.

There was a time that I felt that Judicial Justice would prevail. I think that the courts sold out long ago. 

All that is left is People Power and that is a Power that has been on hold for far too long.

We have become accustomed to trusting the Judiciary, trusting in the Power of the Law. 

Recent years have shown us that Trust now resides within our own hearts and is earned and not given away lightly.

We are kow towing to those who are removing our RIGHTS. Our freedoms are treated as commodities to be discarded or gratefully received. 

Our votes have become fractions and diminished in worth by machines programmed to count as the Left want, not as we INTEND.

If OUR VOICE goes, we lose. It is that simple .

And God will have to help us, because no one else can. . 


 1976. Scary, isn't it? 

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