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I ran a post this morning which was all about the fact that Nature seems to have a better handle on things than Humanity right now. 

It explored the delight of a bird or a bee or a butterfly or a dolphin - how Nature seems to just get on with Life and Humanity seems to get on with Death. 

Things were going swimmingly well until a poster put up a post that suggested that the only good cat was a dead cat. How they were just killing machines.

Well, you can imagine that it did not go down too well with me or my readers. 

We are a bunch of old-fashioned, traditional old fashioned folk who love our furry friends - both feline and canine.

We love our companions. They warm our hearts, our laps, and our souls. 

Many of us survived the horror of the lockdowns because of their love and their soothing love in the dark hours at night when things were so difficult to deal with.

My own beautiful Calico Cat, who sadly passed away last year, gave me the friendship that I so desperately needed to survive the long months of Australian lockdowns. 

Bridget was as much my saviour as I was hers. 

When she first came to me, all those years ago, she was a frail little thing, a calico cat of great determination and true grit. She was about 3 or 4 years old and had been found with a broken pelvis, broken legs and a severely broken heart. A group of young thugs had put her in a sack and used her as a football, kicking her and eventually throwing her in front of a car.

Cats get a bad rap . But so often it is their  " Owner " who deserves the rap. A cat well fed, well loved and well brought up is not a hunter. Cats are too bloody lazy to hunt unless they have to. But that is just my opinion. 

Bridget was my best friend.

We shared secrets and quiet moments together. Bridget loved President Trump. We shared every single rally together.  

We both benefited from our life together. And I miss her every day. 

Quid Pro Quo.

Yet today, in an article I posted about the joy of Nature and how mankind is probably more of a problem than a solution, someone put up a post that suggested that the only good cat is a dead cat.

I was very, very disappointed. 

Within minutes of the post,  I got an email from a rather gleeful banned poster that was so unpleasant that I would not publish it here. 

I never knew that such venom could reside within a fellow human being. I read it to Redhead and she was so appalled that she said " keep it and if you ever think of letting him back, read it again. "

I have done as she advised. It was so vicious and cruel towards cats and fellow posters that I am ashamed that he ever had the opportunity to post here at all.

Sometimes one has to reflect before posting a few hasty words.

We call our cats, dogs or birds our " pets" but they are not. They are our valued and trusted companions and soul mates who have shared of themselves so that we can be honoured with sharing our lives with them.  We exist to serve them and serve them with pleasure and gratitude for all they give us in return.

Even if, at times, it does not seem that way. 

Stick that up your jumper JC

Someone who has plagued me for months finally surfaced again with such vile vitriol that I cannot believe the filth and poison that emanated from this person's demented mind. As you all are aware,  is a place of patriotic, traditional dialogue.

It is often laughed at and commented upon that I " run a tight ship. " I don't really. I'm pretty slack if the truth be known. I just don't care for anti semitism, pro abortion or cruelty.

My Mum, Redhead and I agree that we, as human beings, have a duty to care for our animals and our vulnerable.

I am no fan of what I call four leggers, ( rodents rats, call them what you will ) and I am not fan of the slithery slimy ground dwellers called snakes.

I am not a fan of cane toads but I do NOT, under any circumstances, condone cruelty to animals for cruelty's sake.

If a cat hunts a bird, it is, in my opinion, no different to a man taking a fishing rod or a rifle and shooting a deer. People call it sport.

I do not suggest that all hunters are locked up - as some suggest that cats should be.

In fact, cats, like hunters, eat their kill. It is called Nature for them and, for hunters, filling the freezer. More animals, as one commenter said, are killed by mankind than a feral cat could kill in a month of Sundays.

The trophy hunters who proudly hang a head of a lion on their wall is far worse than a cat that kills a bird.

Selective hatred is what got us into this mess in the first place.

White against black, black against white.

Man against woman, woman against man.

I would politely ask that we keep our circle free of tangles, free of comments that, as were admitted, likely to incite a negative reaction.

What is the point? I don't need it and our ( mainly ) older readers do not need it.

Our cats and dogs, our birds and our loved companions give us comfort in these very troubled times and it is an unnecessary and unkind thing to provoke negative emotion in a sea of uncertainty when a cat curled up on our lap gives us comfort when much of humanity has collapsed. If your chosen companion is a dog or no companion at all, fine.

But, please, do not be unkind to those feline friends who have soothed us through such stormy seas over the past 3 years.

Give it a miss.


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