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Away back in the good old days

   when men could find a job;

When money was as good as gold

     and tax was just two bob;

When men would work and say with pride

     that they weren’t on the dole;

T’was then that politicians came

     to play an active role.

“We must unite,” the statesmen said

     “in case we have to fight;

We need a central government

     to maximise our might.

We’re all Australians too, you see,

     not rough colonial folk;

We need a sign to show the world

     this nation is no joke.”

“We’ll plan a grand new Commonwealth

     of which we can be proud;

We’ll build a national capital

     with lakes and parks endowed;

For no expense can be too much

     with national pride at stake;

Our children will recall with thanks,

     we did it for their sake.”

They confiscated men and tools

     to build themselves a home;

It started with a gabbing place

     where useful flocks once roamed.

They capped the hills with monuments

     and manicured the grounds

And the quarters of their servants

     spoilt the land for miles around.

Then their horde of tax collectors

     spread like locusts through the land,

And their rules and regulations

     drained the cash to lawyers’ hands.

The courts became political

     (mere creatures of the State)

The rule of law and common sense

     became quite out-of-date.

The people then grew restless

   at this cross they had to bear;

“It’s time for us to question

     if this road leads anywhere.

What should have been our watch dog

     sitting quietly by the gate

Is in the house and now he snarls

     if we don’t fill his plate.”

We must dismiss the traitors

   who have got us in this mess;

The federation must return

     to things it can do best.

Defence is what we hired them for

     not meddling in our lives;

If they protect, while we produce

     a new dawn will arrive.”

Words by Viv Forbes

Image Credit: Pixabay

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