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Most people today know that the cuckoo is a rather sneaky bird. It lays its eggs in the nests of other birds leaving those unwitting innocents to rear the imposter as one of their own. The cuckoo thrives and eventually throws the other baby birds out to die.

Many of the older generation know the saying whereby someone is a cuckold , referring to a man who unwittingly rears a child, thinking that the little one is his own.

Well, I think we have been cuckolded and, if things don’t change, we will continue to be thrown out of our homes and left to perish.

While tens of thousands of people are homeless in their own countries, we are seeing cuckoos sitting in nests screeching for food and the bodies of the natural offspring are lying under the public housing towers in the cold winter stare of poverty.

Something is very wrong when our veterans – around the world – lie homeless and neglected in an uncaring and critical world, while the cuckoos sleep in our nests, built by us, and demand food and more welfare to the detriment of the discarded and wounded.

Our parents in this case are the cuckolded citizens who have been conned into raising migrants to the detriment of their/our own; paying hard earned taxes to build nests for the constantly screeching birds that demand more and more ; I fear that we are – via our governments – throwing our own chicks out of the nest in order to look after the imposter’s offspring.

In fact, we now have the other chicks ready to kill their parents and siblings in order to preserve the ‘ rights ‘ of the cuckoos.

Do these “ chicks ‘ not realise that, if they continue to abuse the hard working adult birds, they themselves will be without a nest or food for which to screech?


We have been divided into the 3 groups as described in  Ken Kesey’s book, immortalized on screen with a movie starring Jack Nicholson, “ One flew over the cuckoo’s nest ‘ .

Those that meekly comply with the rules and regulations and actively work to ensure that others do the same. .

Those that enforce the rules and regulations 

and those who seek to fly over the cuckoo's nest of madness and fly off to freedom.

The character of ‘ the chief “ an inmate at a lunatic asylum remembers an old rhyme taught to him by his grandmother.

Three geese in a flock.
One flew east, one flew west,
One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
O-U-T spells OUT,
Goose swoops down and plucks you out.

In the book and film, the Chief is the one who escapes the insanity and flies over the cuckoo's nest and finds freedom.

This blog post is not about the movie – which delves into the fight between sanity and insanity and who is sane and who is not sane. About the allegorical representation of the inmate vs the ‘medical professionals. ‘

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Forman’s original view of Nurse Ratched was as “the personification of evil,” a characterization that made Louise Fletcher a bad fit for the part in the filmmaker’s mind. As Fletcher pressed for the role, Forman’s perspective of Ratched evolved: “I slowly started to realize that it would be much more powerful if it’s not this visible evil,” he said. “That she’s only an instrument of evil. She doesn’t know that she’s evil. She, as a matter of fact, believes that she’s helping people.”


The Flu pandemic saw our world descend in to a 21st century representation of a horror story where we were daily being subjected to shock treatment, a system of reward and punishment, locked up, detained and defamed for daring to speak out or go and live a normal life.

Remember the scene in the movie when the “ lunatics ‘ dare to escape and go on a fishing trip?

How many were fined or prosecuted for going fishing or sitting in a park during the lockdowns?



Because, for many of us, we live in the asylum that has become our world and the cuckoos are sitting up there, comfortable and fed whilst we all get thrown out of our nests and told to suck it up and do as we are told.

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Daniel Andrews and Anna Pluckaduck in Australia. Sleepy Joe Biden and numerous Governors and Mayors in America. Certain people like the goose who is the Mayor of London. The goose who cuckolded her way to being the Prime Minister of New Zealand and was replaced by another goose in Chris Hipkins.

All it took was ONE FLU and a few vocal inmates to allow them to throw us out and no one has given us a safe place to land or in fact a way to stay safe in our nests.

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When this flu conditioned so many people to be grateful that they survived the hard landing and were thrilled to bits that all they had was a few bruises to show for the plummet from the security of their homes and that the hard landing was worth it… I have to wonder. Are we now just inmates in the asylum?

When we hit the ground with no job, no home, no savings and no future and look up to the cuckoos in our nests, will we see the goose from China and the Middle East swoop down and pick our carcasses?

Will we lie on the cold ground and say “ What have we allowed to happen?“


I fear that many of us now realise what has happened. But the lunatics have taken over the asylum and we have been cuckolded.

It's going to be a tough climb to get back in the tree and take the nest back.

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