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What has happened to the  relationship between some Women , fortunately, a minority,  who seem to have  a very bad feeling about all men.   They feel they can say anything from calling all men rapists  and then wonder why a rather pointed comment comes back in reply. 

Or Racists and bigots. Or any other name that flies off their tongues with such hatred. 

Only recently, Senator Lidia Thorpe shamed herself and her country with a display of rather outrageous behaviour at a "gentleman's club ". I am told that this is often a nice way of talking about a strip club. Quite what a middle aged woman who hates men was doing in place like that is something I do not understand.   Nor do I agree with it. 

She said that she was provoked and that was why she lashed back.  I wonder how she would feel if one of the men sued her for " hurting his feelings. " 
It reminded me of an occasion back in 2019 with Senator Sarah Hanson Young. 
Here was another female Senator who seems to love to insult men,  but , when a rather smart reply comes back  she takes offense.   So much so,  it goes to Court.     A big  fine is awarded against the man involved.     All women seem to have to say is "I did not say anything to upset him" or " I was provoked. " 
For some reason, it doesn't work the other way around. 
Senator Sarah Hanson Young, from the Green Party in South Australia's Senate, won an astounding $120,000 in a defamation case against former Senator David Leyonhjelm after he said that she should " stop shagging men"  if she hated them so much.    Or something like that.   
Mr Lleyonhjelm said the words after a disagreement got out of hand. 
When she won the court case against Mr Leyonhjelm she said 

“When men do the wrong thing, they should apologise. Most men do. But when they don’t, they should be called out.

“Not all women are able to stand up to the men that bully and harass them. As a Member of Parliament I am in a privileged position, and with privilege comes a responsibility to act for others.”

“I took this action because my daughter and her peers deserve to grow up in a society where women, young and old, married or single, rich or poor are treated with respect, free of discrimination, harassment and sexist slurs.

“Our nation’s parliament is an important and revered institution; it should set the standard of appropriate behaviour and model values of respect and equality for all,” she said.

Perhaps Senator Lidia Thorpe needs to read these words from her Senate Colleague. 

I am a woman of mature years,   and I have enjoyed the friendly relationship I have with men.     I have never encouraged  flirting , but I enjoy what  we used to call banter,  (friendly teasing) .   Of course I  was the eldest in the family and had two brothers after me,    I am well used to boys and men in my life.   My mother had 10 brothers , so Uncles featured in my life too.    If I had taken offense at every  provocative comment made to me , I would probably be a mental case.  

But it is part of life , the give and take of conversation and the normal situation of mixing with the opposite sex.  
How do you think the boys or men  would feel if every time something was laughingly said I threw a wobbly and screamed from the  corner,   " How Dare You speak to me like that".     This is what some women are doing today and  getting away with it.   
If I was a man , I would be avoiding women unless I knew them well, and how do they manage that  if they are accused of  ulterior motives before  they have even said Hello!  
We have to  get back to respectable behavior , both men and women ,  stop this  bad mouthing at every opportunity  , of course when you watch some of the antics and the  noisy racket , the jeering , the rudeness going on in Parliament no wonder  they are all so rude to one another.   
Time a stop was put to such appalling behaviour. They even have school children attending such displays and  witness what goes on in our Parliament.

Perhaps it is time that some women realized that just because they hold senior positions it doesn't mean that they are above common politeness  and  can get away with any kind of insulting behavior,  the same as we would expect men to abide by the same rules.     Fortunately, most people do,  but the very rude minority act in the  opposite direction.  
Miss Thorpe needs to rethink her words and choices in life.  
As Cory Bernardi says

Those in attendance on the evening suggest that, whilst in the club,  Thorpe was a serial pest. They claim she was approaching white men in the club and telling them these men had stolen her land.

As we are continually told you can't judge Aboriginality on the basis of skin colour, Thorpe has again proven herself to be not only a racist but a monumental too.  

I suspect she'd be used to both labels by now, but her shame seems to know no bounds.

Instead of being contrite and apologetic for her embarrassing and racist carry on, Thorpe sought to cast herself as the victim in this sorry saga.

Insisting she had been provoked she said:

“It’s sad people are utilising whatever they can to drag me down when we’re trying to discuss important issues in this country.”

Don't you love the deflection from her own appalling public display of racism to making it all about some other, more pressing problems.

I'd suggest that many of the problems that Thorpe wants to discuss are a product of exactly the same attitude that she has displayed.

No accountability, no personal responsibility and no critical self-reflection.

It's the same rubbish we hear pushed whenever a truthful discussion of the problems besetting some Aboriginal communities is underway.

The substance abuse isn't their fault. The child sexual-abuse or domestic violence isn't their fault either. Nor is the squalor and filth, the lawlessness or the health problems.

Like Thorpe, they've been provoked into this cycle of self-destruction and it's up to everyone else to fix it.

However, no matter what we do it will never be enough.

They've got sorry days, native title, special rounds of sport, bridge marches, national apologies, bonus welfare, job exclusivity, $32 billion in annual funding, free university access and so much more, yet it is never enough.

Now we are told the Voice will solve the swamp of self-despair.  

It won't. Instead it will fuel the entitlement of a small portion of the population who insist they are never responsible for their own outcomes.

People just like Lidia Thorpe.

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