Pelosi is a fool. She has walked in to an ambush in a canyon full of Acme blast sheds. Impeachment gives President Trump the most amazing tactical advantage. Thanks Pelosi. You have just gifted Trump a second term, Thank you.
I am delighted. President Trump has just been gifted the 2020 election. Pelosi lost control of her Party to the far left and she surely knows that they have just made the biggest home goal in Political history!
How can any Political Party make such a foolish decision - impeaching a President who has brought down unemployment, restored American Pride, restored the Defense Forces, fought for Veterans...and now opened an opportunity for him to introduce evidence that will condemn them to face their ghosts. Ghosts that they may have preferred to have stayed locked in a cupboard and kept under the stairs .
The DemocRATs have popped themselves on a highway to hell in a handbasket with this impeachment.
All the dirt will come out and the swamp water will surface.
Bad move Pelosi.
Dare I quote someone I admire enormously? Thank Q for this.
" Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.
This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, protecting our children etc, all so another corrupt politician or “ insider” can simply undo it.
This was not simply another 4-year election, but, a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov’t. "
This says it all really.
America, like much of the world, is at a crossroads.
President Trump has held our hands and walked us toward that point in our future and asked us to walk with him.
The democRATs wish to tell us that he is the “ devil” , a corrupt man who cares nought for his country, his people and the words he speaks.
Well, folks, I say that President Trump is about to tell the world the Truth.
And it is all thanks to Pelosi and the democRATs.
Without their hatred and venom, the facts would not be made public.
This impeachment farce will backfire enormously on the Pelosi camp IMO.
They are about to face the consequences of their actions.
You see, most leftie luvvies these days do not consider the consequences of what they do or say.
They hurl abuse, hate filled and vitriolic bile and never seem to ever answer to their toxic words.
President Trump has snookered them, served an ace, made a hole in one and about to kick it out of the park.
All thanks to the democRATs.
Their hatred is so intense that they have lost sight of reality and the goal of the game: to WIN.
Many say that President Trump plays chess. If that is the case, Pelosi allowed him to put her in to check, and
Checkmate is on the horizon.