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Until her untimely death on April 9, 2021 Dr. Judith Reisman was a lifelong champion for the rights of children. 

Her death came 10 days after she received the second corona virus “ jab.” We will probably never know what her cause of death was, other than it was put down to natural causes. We will probably never know if it was a result of the vaccine or because she had existing health issues.

But this, for the moment, is not the matter of her death that makes her extraordinary, but the matter of her life.

Judith Reisman was the woman who exposed the dark side of the man who is seen as a prophet and a devil, depending upon which side of the moral fence you sit. His name was Alfred Kinsey.

For decades she dedicated her life to combat the increasingly accepted and abhorrent ideology that children are sexual from birth, that they have a right to experience sexual pleasure whenever and with whomever they want, that purity is a false value.  She was fully committed to do everything she could to protect childhood innocence, and to do so, she took direct aim at Alfred Kinsey and his self-proclaimed pamphleteer, Hugh Hefner.  At one point Playboy sued a TV station in the Netherlands for libel for airing Dr. Reisman’s accusations that Playboy had published child pornography.  Dr. Reisman prevailed. source

Alfred Kinsey founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University in 1947. His work had previously been in the field of zoology and entomology ( the study of insects) but later his interest turned to the study of human sexual behaviour.


On the publication of his books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1947) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1952), he changed the world forever. The sexual revolution had begun.

These books paved the way for the sexual liberation and gay rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s.

 The idea that “ anything goes “ and that children are born with sexual responses, he once said

“If Americans were not so inhibited, a 12-year-old would know most of the biology which I will have to give you in formal lectures as seniors and graduate students.”

Dubbed by one religious leader as “the most anti-religious book of our times,” Kinsey’s book provided theories on sexual topics ranging from masturbation to homosexuality. It soon reached the  New York Times’ Bestsellers list despite the fact ( or because ? ) discussed subjects previously “ off limits. “


But along came Judith Reisman. She had her working life as a jingle writer, far removed from the murky world of sexual deviancy.

She then had a life changing moment. She discovered a neighbor’s boy had abused her daughter. This event saw her develop a passion to seek out and destroy pedophilia and its adherents.

She earned  a Ph.D. and began a lifelong campaign against pornography. She looked at the cartoons in PlayboyPenthouse, and Hustler and pointed out the predominance of pedophilia. ( Hustler actually published a long-time cartoon character called Chester the Molester.)


In the 1970s, Reisman was asked to take a look at the Kinsey Reports and also to look into Kinsey and his colleague Wardell Pomeroy’s lives and methods. When asked why she should investigate the work, “one is a pedophile, and the other is a homosexual.”


What she discovered, shocked her.

Table 34—“Examples of multiple orgasms in pre-adolescent males”—in Kinsey’s book on male sexuality was deeply disturbing.

It cites the sexual responses of children. The experiment demonstrated that babies in the crib could achieve sexual climax many times in an hour. An 11-month-old baby had ten orgasms in an hour. Another had 14 in 38 minutes. This is in Kinsey’s book. Some of them cried. Kinsey said that was a natural response to sexual release.


That someone was involved in creating these responses was horrifying.


Judit Reisman took on the task of exposing Kinsey’s methods to the world. 

What is also not widely known is that much of Kinsey’s data was sourced from surveys of people in prison for various crimes.


Among her most vocal critics were The New Yorker and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Despite her sudden death, Judith Reisman provided tremendous service to the protection of children in this world and travelled a great distance along the way.

She never stopped going after Kinsey, Playboy, the porn industry, big pharma, and the entire sex-industrial complex.  She stood almost alone for years before she began creating a network of allies who came to see the seriously flawed foundation, Kinsey’s twin works on the Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.  Millions of dollars were behind Kinsey’s research and billions were, and are, behind the expansive sex industry.   Those deep pockets were loath to give up any ground because of a single voice speaking against them.  Before she came along, the big money from the giant foundations and big businesses were able to silence or crush the occasional voice opposing the Kinsey narrative. source 


The Kinsey Institute is still alive and well and the sad truth is that the work of Kinsey is in our schools and is being pushed by the United Nations and most Western governments.

 It's Kinsey's so called research that has helped to give us the new terminology for sex, the word "gender."

And let us not forget the man who invented the terms “gender identity,” “sexual orientation,” and “gender role.”, sexologist John Money.

“Gender identity” is a hot-topic today and has become a focal point of not just social discourse, but legal policy and procedure. But few people know the concept’s disturbing origins.

Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.” source

Twin boys Bruce and Brian Reimer were born in 1965.

Following Reimer’s very failed circumcision, where he suffered permanent loss of his outward appearance as a male. the psychologist John Money advised that their biological son be renamed “Brenda” and raised as a girl. Money’s ideas about nature and nurture were novel and offered justification to confused parents looking for help for their son.  


As part of the so called therapy, Money had David and his twin brother Brian assume sex positions with one another to more firmly encode “Brenda’s” sexual identity. When the twins refused, they were subjected to verbal abuse from Money. At times, other colleagues watched as the boys engaged in “sexual exploration.” Pictures were collected, and are presently being held as property of the Kinsey Institute.

Both of the twins ended up taking their lives. Who could blame them?  

The truth needs to get out and their dangerous work about human sexuality debunked.

 Judith Reisman has been the voice of sanity on these issues. 

In the words of Jonathon Van Maren, Reisman “leaves behind a world far worse than it was when she began the fight, and far better because she fought it.”

Her bravery in confronting this issue is commendable and I applaud her courage and determination. 

This is the second installment of EWTN's documentary: A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing. It narrates the life and works of Simone de Beauvoir and Alfred Charles Kinsey. "By the fruits you will know them"–you will see how rotten and evil the foundations of the sexual revolution (culminating with the gender ideology)

I urge you to watch this long but important video. It is, however, very confronting and disturbing in places. 

In my opinion, our world needs to wake up to the horror that is being unleashed on our children and it is way past time to say: ENOUGH. 




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