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I have been thinking a lot these recent days about the tragic loss of the submarine Titan and how it appears to have been lost because of a massive implosion under enormous pressure. 

It got me to thinking about carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) or carbon steel, and whether it could it have an impact on the welding process and techniques employed? 

I am no expert on such matters and have no intention of pretending to be one. But It did make me start researching everything about the ancient craft of welding.

It seems to me that submarines operate in challenging environments, including extreme water pressure and corrosive conditions. The integrity of welded joints is crucial in ensuring the structural strength of the submarine's hull and other critical components. Properly executed welding techniques and high-quality welds are essential to maintain the integrity of the submarine's structure and prevent leaks or failures that could compromise its safety.

Welding, the process of joining two materials together using heat or pressure, has played an indispensable role in shaping the world we live in today. From towering skyscrapers to intricate metal sculptures, welding has enabled humanity to push the boundaries of engineering and creativity. 


The Eiffel Tower, an iconic landmark in Paris, France, was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 Exposition Universelle (World's Fair). The tower's framework, consisting of iron lattice girders, was assembled using a combination of traditional forging and innovative welding techniques.


The primary construction material of the Eiffel Tower is puddled iron, a type of wrought iron, which was commonly used during that time. Gustave Eiffel, the engineer behind the tower's design, employed a team of skilled workers who used both forging and welding techniques to assemble the tower's intricate lattice structure.

Forging techniques were used to shape and manipulate individual iron components, such as the curved arches and diagonal braces. The forged elements were then interconnected using rivets, which were heated, hammered, and fastened to form secure connections. Riveting was a prevalent method of joining iron components in large-scale construction projects during that era.

It's important to note that the welding techniques used during the construction of the Eiffel Tower differ from modern welding processes. The welding techniques employed during the late 19th century were less advanced than those used today, but they still served the purpose of joining specific elements of the tower.

 But how did welding start? Well, it is an ancient practice. 

The art of welding dates back thousands of years, with early examples found in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, and Greece. Ancient Egyptians used heat and copper to join metal pieces together, while the Chinese utilized bronze and iron for their welding endeavors. 

During the Middle Ages, blacksmiths played a crucial role in welding. They employed forge welding, a process that involved heating metals in a forge and hammering them together. The Renaissance period saw notable progress in welding as Leonardo da Vinci introduced the concept of friction welding. His innovative ideas laid the foundation for future advancements in welding technology.

 The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries marked a turning point for welding. The emergence of steam-powered machinery led to an increased demand for stronger and more efficient welding techniques. In 1802, Sir Humphry Davy invented the electric arc, a discovery that revolutionized welding by harnessing electricity as a heat source.



The Industrial Revolution could have occurred to some extent without welding, although it would have faced significant challenges and limitations. Before the widespread adoption of welding, other methods of joining metals were used, such as riveting, bolting, and soldering. These techniques were capable of connecting certain types of materials, but they often lacked the strength and durability that welding offered. Welding provided a stronger bond between metals, allowing for the construction of larger and more complex structures, such as bridges, trains, and machinery.

Transportation infrastructure was a cornerstone of the Industrial Revolution. The construction of railways, bridges, and ships required strong and durable connections between metal components. Welding offered the necessary strength and integrity to withstand the demands of heavy loads, vibrations, and stresses associated with transportation. Without welding, the construction of large-scale infrastructure projects would have been considerably more challenging and less cost-effective. 

The 20th century witnessed remarkable breakthroughs in welding technology. In 1881, Auguste De Meritens introduced carbon arc welding, and shortly after, C.L. Coffin invented the first welding transformer. These developments paved the way for the widespread adoption of electric arc welding, which allowed for greater precision and control.

During World War I, welding gained immense importance in shipbuilding, construction, and the manufacturing of weapons. The demand for more efficient and portable welding techniques led to the development of oxy-fuel welding and cutting, which utilised a mixture of oxygen and fuel gases to generate heat for joining metals.


The mid-20th century brought further advancements in welding technology. Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), commonly known as MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding, was invented in the 1940s and enabled faster and more economical welding processes. This was followed by the development of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, also known as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), which offered greater precision and control.

The 1960s saw the emergence of plasma arc welding (PAW), a process that utilized ionized gas to generate a concentrated arc for welding. Additionally, laser welding made its debut in the 1970s, offering unparalleled accuracy and speed for joining materials. 

In recent decades, technological advancements have continued to shape the field of welding. Today, robotic welding systems are commonly used in industries such as automotive manufacturing and aerospace engineering, improving efficiency, precision, and safety.

While people today want to return to the pre-Industrial era, I have to wonder what marvels we would be without, had it not been for the Industrial Revolution? The age when we dared to think big, go boldly into the unknown and embrace a future full of wonder and infinite possibilities? 

I always seem to get a sinking feeling when I consider this future that, without men of vision, we would still be crawling around in the mud and knowing that the person not covered in shit must be the bloke in charge. 


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