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Throughout history, assassins would use poison to try and rid themselves of their target. The person in power was vulnerable to attack and one of the easiest ways of ridding their adversary ( their political opponent )  was to poison them. These days, I worry about who our current leaders' opponents really are. 

As one poster said,  "The Voice is just part of a global plot to make everyone subservient to unelected global overlords."

And so it was with the Covid Scare. So it is with virtually everything these days. When coercion is used to force people to do something that they would rather not, we have become nothing more than official food testers for our rulers to safeguard themselves while exposing us to danger. 

It seems to me that our leaders are just as much under the thumb as we are - and it is this " man in the shadows " who we should be very worried about. 

So let's meander down through history and look at the way it worked and is still working. 

One need only look at the recent cancellation of the Commonwealth Games in Victoria. You can bet your bottom dollar Dan Andrews did not want to make that announcement. He was TOLD to. 

Many Victorians are applauding his bravery. Bravery had nothing to do with it. He was probably given a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, nod nod, say no more, say no more. 

In other words, do it or you will be a very naughty boy and watch out when you eat your weetbix in the morning. 

Let's be clear. Over the centuries, poison has been an effective means of eliminating opposition.   

The poison was normally administered in their food or drink and, in a few short moments, the opposition was removed. 

It became customary to employ an official food taster who had the dubious honour of eating a sample of the meal or sipping from the cup. If the taster failed to die, then the person in power deemed it safe to eat their meal and sup their wine.

It is extraordinary to me that people queued up to volunteer to become the official food tasters for Covid vaccines.

Food tasters can be found throughout history. From the early days of the Roman Empire, the Emperors employed official food tasters.  Emperor Claudius employed a bloke named Halotus who was a eunuch and is remembered by historical scholars as being his murderer - which is somewhat ironic in a way. 


Joseph-Noël Sylvestre: Locusta testing in Nero's presence the poison prepared for Britannicus.

One example of a food taster ‘doing his job’ features in the tale of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. History remembers them as two lovers, yet they seemed to have distrusted each other. According to Pliny, during the time leading up to the fateful Battle of Actium in 31 BC, Mark Antony kept a food taster on hand at all times, as he distrusted Cleopatra and was concerned that she would poison him when she no longer had any use for him.

Pliny goes on to state that Cleopatra found this rather amusing, and decided to, at a banquet, wear a circlet of flowers, of which their extremities were dipped in poison, on her head. As the feasting went on, the atmosphere became increasingly merry, and Cleopatra challenged Mark Antony to swallow the flowers by mixing them with wine. Mark Antony could not refuse the challenge, and nearly drank the poisoned wine when Cleopatra stopped him. She then summoned his food taster, who, needless to say, dropped dead after drinking the wine. Thus, Cleopatra demonstrated to Mark Antony that the best precaution he had against being poisoned was to trust her.

During the Second World War, a group of young women were forced into becoming food tasters for Hitler. In 2014, the last surviving food taster of the Führer, Margot Wölk, told of her harrowing experience as a food taster. 


She and 14 other young women were selected by the local mayor and brought to the barracks in nearby Krausendorf (now Kruszewiec, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland), where cooks prepared food for the Wolf's Lair in a two-story building. Wölk was picked up by a bus daily from her mother-in-law's residence. The tasting took place daily from 11 to 12 o'clock.The service personnel filled platters with vegetables, sauces, noodle dishes, and exotic fruits, placing them in a room with a large wooden table, where the food had to be tasted. "There was never meat because Hitler was a vegetarian," Wölk said in an interview."The food was good ... very good. But we couldn't enjoy it." There were rumors of Allied plans to poison Hitler. After the women confirmed that the food was safe, members of the SS brought it to the main headquarters in crates.


Margot Wölk dared to speak out and recall the constant fear she felt for more than two years while she was one of Adolf Hitler's official food tasters. 
She said that with the passage of time she was able to learn to enjoy food again since while she was tasting what the Führer was going to eat later, she felt the fear that this bite would be the last.

After Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's failed 20 July plot in 1944 in the Wolf's Lair to assassinate Adolf Hitler and remove the Nazi Party from power, the security around the Wolf's Lair was tightened, the food tasters were no longer allowed to stay at home. Instead, they were boarded in a vacant school building nearby. Each morning at 8 AM, Wölk was rousted by the SS, who shouted "Margot, get up!" from beneath her window. By that time, she was only needed if Hitler was actually at the Wolf's Lair. Later in 1944, when the Soviet Red Army was just a few kilometers away from reaching the Wolf's Lair, a lieutenant took Wölk aside and put her on a train to Berlin. After the war ended, Wölk met the lieutenant again, and he told her that all of the other 14 food tasters had been killed by Soviet soldiers

As Wölk returned to Berlin, she fell into the hands of the Soviet Army after the end of the Battle of Berlin. For two weeks, they raped her repeatedly, inflicting such injuries that she was never able to bear children. In 1946, she was reunited with her husband Karl; he was marked by years of war and imprisonment, but the married couple lived happily together until his death in 1980.

For decades after the war, Wölk never talked about what happened in Gross-Partsch; however, the experience came to her often in dreams. It was not until December 2012, on her 95th birthday, when a local Berlin journalist from the newspaper Berliner Zeitung paid her a visit and began asking questions, that she spoke about what she calls the worst years of her life  It was then, she suddenly decided to break her silence. She died in 2014. source

Which brings me to Covid and Vaccinations.


I refused the vaccine. Not because I am anti vax, but because I was not prepared to be the official taste tester and ingest what may have turned out to be poison, just so that I could get a get out of jail free card and pass go and collect $200.



During the Covid years, we were vilified and abused. Now? Not so much. 

Still, our governments continue to promote " boosters " and many places still require a mask to enter their premises. 

Laws are changing to prevent people speaking about all manner of things and the banning of " misinformation " is on the rise.  

We live in societies that used to afford us the protection of Freedom. Freedom of Choice. Freedom of Speech. Freedom to rear and educate our children without government intervention. 

Our governments fear that they will lose power if they allow us to say one of the shortest but most powerful words in the English language. 


Margot Wölk hardly had a choice in the matter. Saying " No " to Hitler was not an option. Just like Margot Wölk, we are being coerced and forced into making decisions that we would prefer not to make. 

In the case of "The Voice " referendum, we have no idea what we are being required to taste because it is, as yet, an empty plate and all we have is a vaguely written menu. 

Our rulers are making decisions, passing laws, redefining the meaning of words and the poison is in every stroke of their pens. 

The worst part of it is that, just like Margot Wölk, we are being TOLD what we can eat, what we can say and what we can do. 

And I believe that they are being told what to do as well. 

The tragedy is that our governments are scared of the global elites and they know that, with a flick of a switch, they will be out on their ear and will be resigning because they are " worn out " or because they want to " spend more time with family. " 

With luck, they will get a handsome book deal or a posting in a global organisation by way of their thank you gold watch for years of faithful service. 

So all the current leaders are doing is trying to hang on to power, do the bidding of the global overlords and hope like hell that they make it to dessert. 

But for us, the " subjects " of these power-hungry employees of the global elite, it is not a pretty picture.

When people are ordered to taste the food or lose their job or their fundamental human rights, one has to question how long it will be before we must starve or risk dying from metaphoric and literal food poisoning. Neither outcome is one I relish and I am fast losing my appetite if this is the best life can serve up.

Quite frankly, there must be a few leaders around the world who have suddenly lost their appetites but I say: 

Bon appetitYou sat down at the table and you knew what was on the menu. 

Me? I didn't ask for the invitation and it is not right that I have to be your food taster. 


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