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Once upon a time, in a land not too dissimilar from our own, there lived a young woman named Dorothy. She resided in a small town where common sense prevailed and people relied on reason and logic to navigate their lives. But little did this young girl know that a great storm was brewing on the horizon, ready to sweep her away into a world where sanity was a scarce commodity.

One fateful day, a tornado of absurdity descended upon her quiet town, ripping apart the very fabric of reality. Caught in the whirlwind, she found herself and her trusted dog Toto transported to a place known as the Land of Lunacy. The sky was a shade of perpetual confusion, and the ground was paved with illogical arguments and senseless ideas.


Dorothy, bewildered and lost, embarked on a quest to find her way back home. Accompanied by her trusty dog Toto, she headed off down the yellow brick road where richer people had travelled before. Paved with gold, she hoped to find the Wizard of Oz, a man ( or creature ) who ruled the world. Perhaps to find the answer as to why her world had been thrown into such chaos. 

Along the way, she encountered a motley crew of companions, each afflicted with their own unique form of lunacy.

There was the Scarecrow, who believed he lacked intelligence despite his keen wit and wisdom. He simply followed the rules. 

The Tin Man, who constantly searched for a heart he believed he had lost, oblivious to the compassion that resided within him. 

And the Cowardly Lion, who feared everything, yet had the strength to face his anxieties if only he could recognise it.


Together, they journeyed through the nonsensical landscapes of the Land of Lunacy, encountering bizarre characters and nonsensical situations. They met politicians who spoke in circles, promising everything and delivering nothing. They encountered influencers who peddled empty trends and shallow ideals, captivating the masses with their vacuous charm. And they stumbled upon social media platforms where reason and critical thinking were drowned out by the cacophony of misinformation and fear.


From 2 years ago


Through it all, Dorothy clung to her human commonsense, a flickering flame in the midst of madness. She challenged the absurdities she encountered, questioning the status quo and searching for truth. She looked to Toto, her dog, for comfort and, he, with the blink of an eye or a tweak of an ear, let her know when danger lay ahead. 

After navigating a treacherous path filled with traps of irrationality, Dorothy and her companions reached the fabled Emerald City. But instead of finding a wise and benevolent ruler, they discovered a hollow figurehead, the Great and Powerful Oz, who hid behind a curtain of delusion and grandiosity.


Unmasking the charlatan, Dorothy exposed the illusions and revealed the truth to the people of the Land of Lunacy.

With their common sense reignited, the people began to question the absurdity that had plagued their land for so long. They reclaimed their human commonsense, vowing to resist the surrender to lunacy and embrace reason and rationality once more.

In the end, Dorothy and her companions bid farewell to the Land of Lunacy and returned to their own world, forever changed by their journey. They carried with them the lessons learned, reminding themselves and others of the importance of critical thinking and the power of human commonsense.

The tale of the Wizard of Oz is a cautionary story, a reminder that in a world where lunacy threatens to prevail, it is our duty to hold fast to our human commonsense and resist the surrender to irrationality.

Ultimately, the lesson encourages us to become active participants in our own lives.

While the other characters struggled with their individual forms of lunacy, Toto, the dog, remained steadfast and perceptive, always keeping his senses sharp and alert. He represented a connection to reality, the natural world, and a reminder of the simplicity of instinctive commonsense.

And, let's face it, he did look after Dorothy. 


Throughout their journey, Toto's reactions often served as a reality check for Dorothy and her companions. When confronted with absurd situations or dubious characters, Toto's reactions would mirror the genuine emotions or intentions present, helping Dorothy discern truth from deception.

In other words, trust the dog. 

Moreover, Toto's unwavering loyalty and companionship provided emotional support to Dorothy during challenging times. In the bewildering world of lunacy, Toto's presence brought comfort and a sense of familiarity to Dorothy, helping her stay grounded and focused on her quest to find her way back home.

Toto's role was more than just that of a pet; he became a source of wisdom and clarity amidst the lunacy, representing the importance of staying connected to our instincts and intuition, even in a world that seems to have surrendered it's human commonsense.

There is much to be commended about living in a small town. And having a dog. 

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