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Examining the implications of Elon Musk creating a CCP-styled "everything app" of centralised and total digital surveillance.

In October, 2022, after months of negotiation and speculation, the World’s Richest Man purchased “his favourite social media platform” for $44-billion US dollars — because he could, and because he could bring change.

The change he subsequently brought, was the change that was truly desired by a silent (but truly silenced) majority.

And it was Good…

…but he was not done changing…

Twitter was acquired by Elon Musk who vowed to overhaul the bot-infested algorithms that had relentlessly stifled free-speech and championed falsehoods. This was done as a goodwill gesture to the vilified other side: those that had been routinely silenced, de-platformed, and perpetually shadow-banned for daring to express their contrarian views; those that had been knocked from their perches for tweeting unfashionable truth: left beak-bound, and wing-clipped.

…he needed to win them over for his future project to succeed… they were the majority.

These truth-tellers, these Republicans, these Christians, these Conservatives, these Patriots, these Professors, these Virologists and these vast multitudes of concerned and outspoken individuals were suddenly granted a pardon from their digital exile. Come back, they were told, the new Twittersphere Emperor beseeches you! Thus, the Silent Majority, those noble barbarians who had amassed outside the walls, could now effortlessly breach the unguarded gates and make riotous noise. Or they could simply speak freely on Twitter. Many of the once-banished remained sceptical of Musk’s true intent — and rightly so. They needed action, rather than words.

Musk promptly acted: and they got both action, and their tweetable words.

Miracles happened from above, and Musk seemed magnanimous: ‘The Twitter Files’ revealed the magnitude of previous algorithmic tyranny and censorship; the corrupt Private-Public Partnership (PPP) between the Biden “Deep State” Administration and Twitter was exposed; and many banned accounts were reinstated as the woke-infection that had sickened the current ‘Trust and Safety Council’ was cured by firing the entire team.

Musk was our man… he had our backs, or so he cunningly wanted us to believe.

The ever-hysterical Left were left hysterical.

However, it now seems “that a bird in the hand, is worth two crossed-fingers behind the back” (an X).

Twitter Inc merged with X Corp in April, and now, three months later, Twitter as a recognisable pop-cultural brand has been rebranded in an act of single-letter vandalism: X.

X marks the spot of the double-cross — or rather, a kiss-of-death (X) planted on the forehead of all those who were recently lulled into accepting “Musk’s Twitter” as a newfound sanctuary for free-speech. This is actually a kiss goodbye to freedom — although few are presently aware. Twitter is no more. The iconic Blue Bird silhouette of 17-years is gone. The entire platform of 350-million active users has now been rebranded as simply X — a trite, generic, and uninspired X. The new logo is a sterile visual yawn. It is unforgivably ugly.

Nobody other than Elon and his fellow billionaire technocrats asked for this. Twitter has literally been crossed-out, with an X signifying the holding-spot for a new “everything app” that promises to be so much more.

However, no informed libertarian, or pardoned tweet-pariah, would truly want what Musk is promising. His promise for X is damningly Chinese in influence, and particularly CCP in inspiration and potential ramifications. It is truly no desirable promise — but an existential threat to privacy, and to a free and untrammeled humanity.

Musk giddily aspires to replicate the Chinese WeChat “everything app” along with its insidious mass-surveillance and vast data-harvesting potential.


WeChat enables the CCP to effortlessly monitor, censor and culturally suppress one-billion Chinese users, or 58% of mainland China. It has become so pervasive in Chinese cities that to be barred from the country’s super-app has been likened to a “digital death.”

Like a hypnotically-pixilated and bustling “town square,” WeChat is used for ‘messaging, social media, payments, subscriptions, utility bills, food deliveries, plane and train tickets, ride hailing and much more.’

Most online life, socialisation, transactions and everyday business is conducted through the WeChat portal. It is also required to navigate many essential services beyond the screen in the offline world. Its utility is manifold and all encompassing; its reach — omnipresent and omniscient. It knows and shares everything about all its users — always.

It may be likened to the App of the Beast.

WeChat users are aware that they are vulnerable, profiled, and constantly surveilled by their CCP government — yet, hopeless to resist, they pathetically grip their phones to partake by sheer necessity. WeChat is now indispensable. WeChat is them, and they are WeChat.

This successful “Chinese experiment” represents the realisation of the primary phase of the “internet of things” and “transhumanism.” China is completely captured.

Such total Chinese control of the majority of its citizenry has always been the envy of our Billionaire Class. They are now scheming to install a similar “digital-prison system” upon the West. Musk is their man with their plan.

If X successfully replicates WeChat, it will eventually replicate the extreme censorship and the necessary submission of its users to overt government control. All Western Governments will impose unified regulations on X to ensure “backdoor” access to routinely monitor users “for security.”

It will most likely require a unique Digital ID to gain access to various interconnected services, and to securely verify user authenticity — especially to enable the financial component. Privacy will be forfeited for convenience and safety.

Once identification is reliably established, a user will gain access to a vast online app-ecosystem that will enable cryptocurrency, CBDCs and other banking components. Should one come afoul of the “community standards” and the expectations that are imposed by the consortium behind X (which will naturally evolve to become evermore authoritarian) — to be barred will be like a “digital death.”

Account restrictions and throttling will now potentially impact an individual’s access to their finances. Money may be throttled as a punitive measure. The threat of incurring such a penalty will be used to coerce submission and compliance, and to curtail undesired “speech.”

You will be free to say whatever they like.

X will be a Western Technocrat’s ultimate digital panopticon: an “everything app” that will have instantaneous access and real-time AI monitoring of everything pertaining to your social, private and economic life. There will be no more privacy, there will be no more freedom. You will pay dearly for your “free-speech” with Social Credit Score deductions, and you will be rewarded for embracing the Official Narrative and the latest fanatical woke-fictions with Universal Basic Income coins.

The Billionaire Overlords behind the X-app (those who are truly behind the facade of “right-leaning Musk”) will have a vast percentage of Western society ensnared: Left and Right.

An “everything app” will ultimately consolidate absolute data on all individuals, thus ensuring absolute control.

This is the dark vision Musk has for his X “everything app.”

It may not be like this at the start (for deception is paramount to success), but it will inevitably be if the Billionaire Class is at the helm. Musk is truly one of them, a Billionaire’s Billionaire — and not one of us.

Musk is not the antithesis of Zuckerberg; nor are they antagonistic rivals as publicly portrayed; neither truly despises, nor begrudges the accomplishments and ambitions pursued by the other: neither is Left, and neither is Right — they are both two halves of the Technocratic whole, each striving to overlay and burden the human soul with enslaving technology. Each is his own unique Pied Piper, playing a tune perfectly pitched to the ears that will be most receptive to their tune. Both are leading their duped followers to a dystopian reality of Technocratic tyranny.

Before Musk’s acquisition, Twitter was literally a bird in the throws of progressive-left rigor mortis; seemingly alive, occasionally twitching, but truly kept animated by the vast parasites that writhed within its bowls and organs. It was a horrific thing; a thing of celebrated untruths, pseudoscience, and an echo-chamber for the Woke. Musk literally tore out the infected guts, replaced it with taxidermist stuffing and careful stitches — and placed the Blue Bird on the mantle for all to witness. Quite remarkable, really.

It is a shame that it was all done to lure us in… to win us over… to cajole… and to effectively trick the required Silent Majority for the next phase represented by X — where you give up everything to the “everything app.”

X marks a betrayal. Musk has betrayed us all.

Time to disconnect.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of

republished with permission. 

“Stephen Reason” is the pseudonym of an individual who has been actively researching and presenting material on our contrived “pandemic crisis” since July 2020.

He is an independent journalist, polemicist, satirist, writer and researcher, who delights in the art of prose, and in presenting information in an impactful and stylistic manner. Although the majority of his current writing critiques the global and local “pandemic” response, he also examines all significant geopolitical and sociopolitical trends, intrigues and crises.


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