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The Andrews' Government plans to pass a Bill to create a comprehensive 'Health Profile' on every Victorian. Combined with existing AI surveillance - it will be weaponised for coercion and control.

There is truly no rest for the wicked, as the bleared-eyed wicked attempt to wrest ever more privacy and autonomy from the snoozing population. Wicked is, as wicked does, and whatever Andrews does, wicked it most certainly is. A bill for this, a bill for that, and now, yet another parliamentary Bill is being quietly advanced to further ratchet the digital screws of control. Its inherent wickedness is cunningly concealed — so as not to startle awake those who have blissfully counted themselves amongst the jumping sheep. Awake! You damned drooling dreamers — you are damning us all!

In late 2020, the Andrews’ Labor Government unveiled its first iteration of ‘The Health Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill.’ This proposed legislation emerged amidst the furore of the tyrannical ‘COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020,’ and although it was intended as complimentary legislation — it was peripherally blurred from the focus of libertarian minds. Few noticed it, and it seemed to fade into obscurity. Now, it has resurfaced, having just passed through the Lower House Legislative Assembly on the February 23, 2023.

 Alas, it is almost inevitable that it will eventually be enacted, and inflicted upon unwitting Victorians.

This controversial legislation seeks to establish a Centralised Medical Database of digital medical records on all citizens who have used the Public Health System in the last three years. Perhaps, lining up for PCR tests-for-cash (aka DNA-harvesting) nasal swabs was not so wise — given that all those who were swabbed will now be on the forthcoming “Schwab-inspired” database (perhaps their DNA, too!) Individual consent will not be sought, and there will be no option to opt-out.

The government intends to collate and hold all of your medical information (private medical history, STDs, medications, operations, psychiatric, psychological, vaccinations), and other interested and invested parties would have immediate access — without your consent, and undoubtedly without your knowledge. Your basic human right to the privacy of your medical records will be annulled. It is meant to be exclusively for the convenient access of the medical sector ‘in care of a patient.’ However, it will surely be used by the government’s existing digital surveillance apparatus against you — to take care of you!

The expressed “official” intent of this Centralised Medical Database (also known as CIS: Clinical Information Sharing) is ‘to remove barriers between health providers, improve efficiency and health outcomes.’ Keep in mind that this ‘statement of purpose’ has been issued from a government that did all it could to psychologically terrorise, and to effectively deteriorate collective health by pursuing a ruthless policy of lockdown-siege to coerce every citizen into accepting a genocidal and gene-altering injection. Morgues are now stacked with the sudden heart failures and brain-clotted strokes of the young and old. They knew exactly what they were tasked with, and the culling-task called for overt tyranny and deception. Yes, our government truly cares about ‘health outcomes,’ especially when they veer tragically into the negative and achieve depopulation, infertility and chronic debilitating sickness.

Supposedly, ‘only practitioners involved in a patient’s care can access the medical information, and only for the purpose of providing care, with penalities of up to two years imprisonment for unauthorised access’

Ah, how idiotically naive! Remember, they do not need your consent to access your record, and you do not need to be informed that it has been accessed. Similar systems already exists in Queensland and New South Wales, and it should be expected that Australia will eventually adopt a uniform Centralised Medical Database of all medical records nationwide ( unlike the current My Health Record database, you will not be able to opt-out) — indeed, the burgeoning biosecurity agenda depends upon it.

It is only assumed that the medical sector will always adhere to an ethical and legal code of access, and that such access will only be permitted for those within the immediate medical fraternity. Indeed, this might be assuming too much… surely, such a database could never be accessed and abused for nefarious purposes by those who are zealously advancing a 5G-enabled AI surveillance of their people, now, could it?

Might such comprehensive and targeted data be exceedingly valuable to the Victorian Police Force (or similar enforcers: Army? Authorised Officers? Foreign Police?) during a forthcoming “pandemic” State of Emergency declaration — to determine an individual’s observance of Chief Health Directions, compulsory testing, mandated vaccination and general psychological profile? Woe be you, should you err against the official decree!

Despite the Health Department’s flimsy reassurances of data protection and security (recent Medicare, Optus hacks!) it should be apparent that the real intent is to have a single digital medical record on every citizen that can be matched with a Digital Face-print and coming Digital ID. This will permit the clandestine tracking, tracing and real-time monitoring of everybody, always — combined with a full medical record. It is already happening, and they are merely attempting to perfect what is required for full spectrum dominance of the populace.

Hypothetically, given the Biosecurity Police State that Andrews imposed upon all Victorians (during his 941-days of State of Emergency declaration) and his fanatical pursuit of a forever ‘Vaccine Economy’ accessible only with updated Vaccine Passports (that was the plan) — it is not far-fetched to assume that this Centralised Medical Database (first announced circa 2020) would have been exploited to allow real-time AI profiling to facilitate arrests, fines and Wellness Camp “disappearances” (see: Insights Victoria,

Andrews’ secret surveillance data agency that monitored social media, financial transactions and travel).

An existing Centralised Medical Database during the coerced National Vaccine Rollout and mandates of 2021-2022:

  • Would have been utilised to determine absolute vaccine compliance of each individual across the community.

  • Would have been instrumental in enforcing compliance by specifically isolating and punishing non-compliance.

  • Would have been used to erect the digital coils of razor-wire that would have ensured the permanent apartheid division of society — keeping the unvaccinated out.

It would have worked (and will work) a little something like this: you remain unvaccinated, and only the vaccinated can venture out and engage with the Vaccine Economy and society. Unvaccinated are permanently in lockdown until they choose to receive the latest vaccine. You leave to go grocery shopping in defiance of the government and their latest faked virus threat — the 5G surveillance registers your movement via omnipresent cameras, the AI determines your Digital Face-print and identity and scans your health profile from the Centralised Medical Database. You are ‘unvaccinated,’ or have delayed the latest necessary booster shot due to a previous adverse reaction — thus, you are a dire health threat, a “Domestic Terrorist” who maliciously threatens the health of others! The authorities are notified of your movements. Your CBDC debit card is deactivated, your Social Credit Score is instantly reduced, you stand at the grocery store, demoralised and unable to enter the electronic door; and eventually, you return home to multiple VicGov text messages warning of a recent breach, and of penalities, and further restrictions and potential prosecution. You will be visited by the authorities shortly for a thorough “health risk” assessment, forced testing, and possible quarantine internment at the salubrious Centre for National Resilience.

That was the plan. The plan may have stalled, but it is still planned…

They will know if you have been vaccinated. They will know if you remain unvaccinated, and if you have ventured outside during future faked pandemics in breach of targeted lockdowns. They will know who to specifically focus upon; who to harass, and who to censor; who to re-educate in “Wellness Camps” at the odiously-Orwellian: ‘Centres for National Resilience;’ who might be a “domestic terrorist,” and who they can falsely categorise as a “domestic terrorist” with planted, or plausible psychological and psychiatric “records” suggesting pre-crime; whose Social Credit Scores need to be reduced, and what punitive percentage of Universal Basic Income in the form of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will be deducted for continued dissent.

They. Will. Know. All…

…and, they can edit, amend, and falsify at a whim to criminalise and neutralise opposition (you!) with an AI overlay — that is certainly guaranteed when psychopaths are at the helm.

The Centralised Medical Database will provide a complete individuated “health profile” that will allow all corollary digital systems of surveillance to analyse, monitor, extract, flag and ultimately alert authorities to your physical and psychological vulnerabilities, and vaccinated/unvaccinated status.

It can be reasonably assumed that any attempt by our government (especially the pathological Andrews’ Labor Government) to consolidate private medical information into a Centralised Medical Database for immediate access, is being done with the intent to better control the individual. Observational, and lived experience over the last few years in “pandemic” Victoria, glaringly attests to this. It will be weaponised, as it is intended as a weapon. It is not about health. It is all about preserving and spreading the sickness of Authoritarianism.

May the slumbering masses rise from their saliva-stained pillows, draw the curtains back and raise the blinds — and see the day and the danger for what it truly is!

republished with permission

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