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Someone sent me a link to a prize home raffle. Win a home at Marcus Beach on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. Queensland, Australia. One of the most magnificent places on earth. 

The house is lovely. Worth nearly $3 million. Who wouldn't want to buy it?  Own it? Win it? I mean, what is there not to like? 

Except, on the website, it says that the house is on aboriginal land. Yep. You got it. You may win the house but you don't own the land? As James Morrow says, " Come on, man! " 

If this Voice " referendum gets up, who knows who will own what. All I can say is that I will own two tenths of bugger all and the aboriginals will own 1 tenth of bugger all and the government and the WEF will own everything. because ownership of bugger all is well,,,, bugger all. 

In a nutshell, we will own nothing but we won't be happy. 

 Untitled 2

Well isn't this an interesting little image? 

One of our posters sent an email to the fundraising website


Great to own a home but not the land it sits on. 

He asked how they could raffle a property that was on land owned by the Kabbi Kabbi and Gubbi Gubbi and Jinibara people; What right did they have to sell this property? 

He got this answer back: And as said on our blog,  

Strewth, you can strike me down with a feather, I got a response from the art union mob. Copy and paste direct from the email received just now, and it is a load of bollocks.

Thank you for acknowledging that the Prize Home is on Aboriginal land; it's essential to recognise and respect the history and connection of this land to its First Nations custodians.

The acknowledgment is a way of showing respect and promoting awareness of the Traditional Custodians and their ongoing relationship with the land.

However, it's important to clarify that this acknowledgment does not imply that Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander people have any official capacity for taking legal ownership of the house or property. The acknowledgment is about recognising the rights and sovereignty of the Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander peoples and acknowledging their historical and ongoing connection to the land.

As an organisation, we are committed to fostering understanding, promoting reconciliation, and supporting the well-being of First Nations communities. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the significance of this acknowledgment, I'd be happy to share some resources or information."

Thank you so much for your support of yourtown, powering Kids Helpline, if we can be of further
assistance please don't hesitate to email again.

Well,  isn't that interesting? 

It makes me wonder what the hell is going on.  


Thank you for acknowledging that the Prize Home is on Aboriginal land 

Really? Does the author of this email understand what he or she wrote? 

All this feel good, lovey dovey is going to have terrible and dramatic impacts on our country and our way of life. We may build on land but the land belongs to aboriginals? Who would want to become a "landowner?

We are fast becoming a land of renters. And, if the Yes vote gets up, no one will ever own property again. We will become renters in perpetuity and we will owe our souls to the company store.


Today, one of my friends had her yard man come to mow her lawns. He started telling her all about how important it was that she knew how climate change was. How it was important for her to realise that " Yes : was the only way forward. 

She said " Forward to what? " 

He replied " to healing the planet and reconciliation. " 

 She asked him " is it any hotter today than it was about 30 years ago? " He replied " That isn't the point. Science has proven that we are at boiling point. " 

He has mowed her lawns for 10 years. Needless to say, he won't be mowing them much longer. 

Why do people have to involve politics with business? 

On the one hand, we have a fundraiser for children's health promoting aboriginal rights and the other a man who has just lost a customer because he became an activist. 

No one wants to be lectured by a zealot. My friend gets her hair cut every month by a hairdresser who never speaks politics. Wise woman. 

Yet here we have charities, airlines, lawnmowing men and companies all going in for a political outcome.

I wonder how they will feel when the wrath of the ordinary man kicks in and he says " Not on MY land. " 

 This country, Australia is OUR land.

We fought for it. We died for it. 

We created this country 

And no bastard can tell me any different. These days of course they are from the Kabbi Kabbi and Gubbi Gubbi and Jinibara people.In which case, who am I to argue? 

Well, I am from the Voice of all  Australian people. And we are many tribes. We fought and fight for Australia. 

Not with boomerangs but with Love for OUR GREAT Southern Land. 

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