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The Voice was neither about “closing the gap,” nor “listening to achieve better outcomes.” Such simple notions were crafted to appeal to the feel-good virtue-signallers, and they were never sincere. 

Conversely, the NO Campaign never truly addressed the real diabolical agenda, preferring to bluntly deflect with “racist and divisive” and “too risky.”

It is all these things, but it was fundamentally a Davos’ inspired UN-WEF collaboration, a plunder-project, that was essential for advancing Schwab’s Great Reset. It was truly this, and nothing else.

The “establishment of an advisory body capable of giving advice to the government about the issues that affect First Nations peoples,” was always a ruse to corrupt the Australian Constitution, and to legally perpetrate a total theft of our land and assets. The Voice was only about “Indigenous Australians” in so far as they could be utilised as a decoy to surreptitiously gain access to the executive branch of our Federal Government. Behind a Blak facade, a parallel parliament would get away with what a white government could not: dissecting Australia via the Native Title Act and transferring the ownership of everything under Treaty to the UN Globalists: Voice, Treaty, Truth.

No single Australian has a true representative voice in our captured Federal Parliament. Our installed politicians neither speak, nor act on our behalf (invariably acting against us), and it is preposterous to suggest that a Voice would ever speak for our nation’s Indigenous people. Our Parliament is the regional branch of a Transnational Corporatocracy and our Prime Minister is their selected “Australian CEO.” Albanese has been entrusted to ratify legislation that benefits their supranational corporate empire and its endless rapacious designs on Australia. Our Constitution presented an impediment, and thus it was their primary target — but all their efforts will amount to naught.

The YES Campaign degenerated into a hysterical farce that has been thoroughly exposed as being bereft of integrity, transparency and sincerity. It was always a monumental lie from its very inception, and many now suspect as much. 

The Voice to Parliament is a UN land-grab device.

MARCH 26, 2009: Kevin Rudd Backs United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

“The Rudd government will officially support a UN declaration on indigenous rights which the previous Howard government voted against in 2007.

Sixteen months after taking power, Labor will make good its election promise to endorse the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

But the Opposition says ratifying the UN Declaration would have far-reaching consequences if one racial group was allowed exemptions from Australian law.”



UNDRIP was conceived as a means to exploit the Indigenous populations of every postcolonialist country to achieve the exact same end: the dismantlement of sovereign nations, and the expropriation of land and assets back to the “rightful owners” (The Transnational Corporatocracy class of Globalist billionaires). It represents the inception of their worldwide asset-stripping gambit, and what they had intended to inflict upon all First World Western Nations.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2015: The UN Agenda 2030 is Adopted by 193 Countries

“To cheers, applause and probably a tinge of relief, the 17 global goals that will provide the blueprint for the world’s development over the next 15 years were ratified by UN member states in New York on Friday.

After speeches from Pope Francis and the Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, and songs from Shakira and Angelique Kidjo, the ambitious agenda – which aims to tackle poverty, climate change and inequality for all people in all countries – was signed off by 193 countries at the start of a three-day UN summit on sustainable development …”

“The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are a set of targets and indicators that UN member states agreed to use to frame their political agenda over the 15 years from 2015 to 2030. They were the “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all” and they address the global challenges of poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.”

 The UN’s Agenda 2030 aligns perfectly with the pathological ambitions pursued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their Great Reset agenda. Both nefarious Geneva-stablemates are unified in their obsessive vision for transforming (deforming) humanity into a transhumanist digital-serfdom (humans merged with technology and controlled — for sustainability). It is telling that the WEF’s unelected billionaires are advancing the exact same inhuman agenda as the United Nations — indeed, most UN Member States are captured by the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program.


“Indigenous leaders from across the country have outright rejected the idea of mere recognition in the constitution, instead calling for a representative body to be enshrined in the nation's founding document and a process established working towards treaties.

The Indigenous are considered to be “at the heart” of the UN Agenda 2030 — hence the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart.’ The Uluru Statement was truly conceived in Geneva as part of Globalist-inspired device to exploit the world’s “Indigenous” as a ‘fulcrum’ to bring forth a New World Order (UNDRIP). In order to gain exclusive access to foreign land (farms, waterways, coasts, forests and eventually private properties) the United Nations, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, have conspired to install a “Voice” within our Federal Parliament’s executive branch to facilitate the ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ process. ‘Truth’ will comprise the legal tribunal in which the controlled Voice will push for Treaty that will expropriate up to 80% of Australian land to a Transnational Corporatocracy. All Australians, including the Indigenous, will inevitably “Own nothing, and be happy.” The Voice is paramount to ratify Treaty and to establish a Truth tribunal — it was all about Treaty (foreign land-theft) from the onset; all about capturing the majority of Australian land, resources, minerals and metals for the exclusive plunder of multinational megacorporations.

MAY 26, 2020: The Juukan Gorge Hoax that Facilitated the ‘Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021’


“Deeply troubled" traditional owners in the western Pilbara have had their worst fears confirmed after Rio Tinto detonated explosives near culturally significant sites dating back more than 46,000 years.

The WA Aboriginal Heritage Act (1972) is currently under review with draft legislation expected to be released for public comment.

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill will be introduced into the WA Parliament for consideration this year.

The ABC understand Section 18 notices will no longer exist under the proposed changes.”

Josephine Cashman has comprehensively exposed the Juukan Gorge episode, and all those who conspired to create this “pivotal disaster” that was necessary to justify the draconian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021. It was a coordinated hoax. The former CEO of Rio Tinto (Sam Walsh) had approved the legal detonation of the insignificant site, and was deliberately scapegoated in the following furore. This “disastrous cultural vandalism” would prove useful to furthering the Globalist’s overarching agenda: The UNESCO-inspired amendments to the existing Aboriginal Cultural Heritage law. These new laws aimed to bankrupt intergenerational farmers, and to remove them from productive land.

OCTOBER 18, 2021: The Juukan Gorge Inquiry Recommends ‘New, Overarching Federal Legislation’

“-A Senate inquiry has been investigating the destruction of the Juukan Gorge rock shelters

-Rio Tinto caused national outrage when it blasted the 46,000-year-old heritage site last year

-The inquiry has recommended new, overarching federal legislation to protect cultural heritage”

 The Juukan Gorge inquiry has “recommended new, overarching legislation.” This UNESCO ploy was always intended to adversely impact farmers and rural communities nationwide, disrupting profitability, causing bankruptcy, and leaving vast tracts of formerly productive land inaccessible and embroiled in costly consultation with a hostile Cultural Heritage Body. Eventually, such “Truth” legislation would act alongside The Voice. It would be exploited to inform the expropriation of land (according to the demarcations of the Native Title Act) as decreed by their envisioned Treaty: Voice, Treaty, Truth.


MAY 21, 2022: Albanese’s Victory Speech: “I Commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full”

“Millions of people watched Anthony Albanese when he stood at the podium at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club in Sydney and said: “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full.

With those words, the prime minister’s election victory speech may have heralded a new chapter in Australia’s relationship with First Nations people.

Incoming Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney, who will assume the portfolio once the full ministry is sworn in, has since reiterated that implementing the Uluru Statement would be a high a priority for the new Labor government.”

 Albanese committed to the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart in Full’ on election night — although he has since forgotten this. The Indigenous Voice to Parliament was always about Voice, Treaty Truth (the full Uluru Statement). If properly understood in this context by the average Australian, especially associated with basic notions of Treaty, it could never have been launched as a potentially successful Referendum. Ergo, the deliberate subterfuge, vagueness, brazen deception and misdirection from Albanese, and all those associated with the YES Campaign, from the onset. Now, imagine if Australians truly comprehended that “Voice, Treaty, Truth” was all for the exclusive benefit of a UN-shielded Billionaire Class? Revolution?

So it began. And last night it ended. Or did it? 

This is an excerpt from an article from Stephen Reason.  

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of

“Stephen Reason” is the pseudonym of an individual who has been actively researching and presenting material on our contrived “pandemic crisis” since July 2020.

He is an independent journalist, polemicist, satirist, writer and researcher, who delights in the art of prose, and in presenting information in an impactful and stylistic manner. Although the majority of his current writing critiques the global and local “pandemic” response, he also examines all significant geopolitical and sociopolitical trends, intrigues and crises.

You can read his other articles 

This series of articles aims to expose the hidden agenda behind the ‘Voice to Parliament.’ It is not necessary to read each piece in published sequence, but it may benefit the reader to read each piece for a thorough overview, and to establish interconnecting context.



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