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Who wears the apron in your household?
And what does that have to do with Curry? 
You may well ask.  But before I tell my spicy tale of a woke woman and a weak " Woe man " let me take you on a journey down the Spice Roads. 
After all, curry, with its tantalizing aroma and diverse flavors, has established itself as a beloved culinary treasure around the world. But the journey of curry from its humble beginnings to becoming a global sensation is a fascinating tale that spans centuries and continents. 
Curry, with its tantalizing aroma and diverse flavors, has established itself as a beloved culinary treasure around the world. But the journey of curry from its humble beginnings to becoming a global sensation is a fascinating tale that spans centuries and continents.

The origins of curry can be traced back thousands of years to the Indian subcontinent, where it was born amidst the vibrant tapestry of spices and culinary traditions. Ancient Indian civilizations, particularly in the regions of present-day Tamil Nadu and Kerala, were among the first to cultivate and utilize spices such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fenugreek, which form the backbone of curry flavor profiles.


Early culinary practices in the Indian subcontinent involved grinding spices into pastes or powders and incorporating them into various dishes. These spice blends, known as masalas, laid the foundation for what would later be recognized as curry. The term "curry" itself is believed to have derived from the Tamil word "kari," which means sauce or gravy.

As trade routes expanded and cultural exchanges flourished, curry began to spread beyond the borders of the Indian subcontinent. Arab traders introduced spices like cinnamon and cloves to Indian cuisine, further enriching the flavor palette of curries. Meanwhile, Indian merchants and migrants carried their culinary traditions to Southeast Asia, where curry became deeply ingrained in local cuisines, including Thai, Indonesian, and Malaysian.

During the Age of Exploration, European powers such as the Portuguese, Dutch, and British established colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, bringing curry to new corners of the globe. These colonial encounters led to the fusion of Indian spices with local ingredients, giving rise to unique regional variations of curry. For example, British soldiers stationed in India developed a taste for curry, which they brought back to Britain, leading to the popularization of "Anglo-Indian" curry dishes like chicken tikka masala.


In the modern era, curry has transcended cultural boundaries to become a global culinary phenomenon. Its versatility and adaptability have made it a staple in kitchens worldwide, with each region putting its own spin on classic recipes. Whether it's Japanese curry with its thicker sauce and sweeter profile or Jamaican curry with its fiery heat and coconut undertones, curry continues to evolve and captivate palates everywhere.

Moreover, the health benefits of curry have garnered attention, thanks to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of spices like turmeric. Studies have suggested that regular consumption of curry may contribute to improved digestion, heart health, and even cognitive function.

In recent years, the popularity of curry has been further amplified by the rise of international food trends, celebrity chefs, and social media, which have helped showcase the diversity and allure of this beloved dish. Today, you can find curry in various forms, from traditional homemade recipes passed down through generations to innovative fusion creations in upscale restaurants.

So, after that, here is what brought me to write about curry. 

Years ago when writing about food for a Shoalhaven, NSW newspaper I received a phone call from a reader in Ulladulla. I’ll call her Mrs. G. She demanded a curry recipe.  The details were such that I found myself in immediate sympathy with Mr. G and so stated. For such honesty Mrs. G. went ballistic and reckoned that I was just another chauvinist pig whose sole, earthly task was to oppress the evolution of women. 

Before I could plea one word in my defence she hung up in my ear. Probably because I had told her that my column was about food, not a bloody Dorothy Dix column to solve domestic nonsense.


However, Mr. G., from what I could understand, did all the shopping and all the cooking but didn't like to present his labours to the table. She reckoned that it was his creation and therefore he should serve it, and furthermore, that he should also complete the job by gathering the leftovers, dividing them into freezer containers and then doing the dishes as well. 
Mr. G., under further instruction must then wash the kitchen floor with disinfectant as Mrs. G. Had a serious phobia about cleanliness. Good God! What else did she have?  
Knowing all that, in less that five minutes, who wouldn’t be sympathetic to the plight of poor Mr. G.?  
I ventured to say that once a few women had read my column that the hard working and good tempered Mr. G. Would be swamped with offers for a better home. 


In the meantime Mrs. G., here’s an easy but delicious recipe for a beef curry. I'm sure Mr. G. will have no trouble at all preparing it between his other chores, like washing the car, mowing the bloody lawn and painting the garage. And, if the beef remains a little too tough for you Mrs G. perhaps your 93-year-old husband could chew it a bit for you—if he still has any energy left after doing the prescribed chores. 
Poor bugger.
Beef Curry, Serves 4
2 kgs. gravy beef  (and a big filet mignon for Mrs G.)
1 large onion, chopped
2 tbs. butter
3 tbs. ground coriander
1 tbs. ground cumin
1 tsp. fresh ginger, chopped
3 tbs. grated coconut
1 can beer
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tbs. fresh coriander, chopped
cayenne pepper, optional
Cut beef into bit-size cubes. (Cut the filet into big ‘chokable' chunks for Mrs G.) Melt butter in a pot and saute onions until brown, remove from pot. Lightly brown the meat, add coriander, cumin, salt, ginger and cayenne. Stir gently over low heat for 5 minutes. Add cooked onion and beer and simmer 1-1/2 hrs. 5 minutes before serving add coconut and fresh coriander. Serve with a vegetable and plain rice.  Basmati might be preferable. 
Good luck Mr. G. Please do not substitute the ginger or fresh coriander with cyanide.
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