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Back in 2016, millions, from throughout America and around the world, rejoiced when President Trump defeated the favourite, Hillary Clinton.

Millions more cried, screamed and raged tears of unfettered agony to learn that their beloved Hillary had lost the unlosable election.

We enjoyed 4 years of relative calm on the warfront and global economies seemed to prosper. Inflation was low and life was good. But along came the " pandemic. " 

We were locked up and society went into a very dark place. As I have said earlier, something sinister occurred when Covid reared its ugly head and, since then, it has been a spiral into hell on earth.  Liberties were taken away from us and the emergence of laws to " protect "  hastily passed for "our own good. " 

Even our elections changed. Postal voting was normalised. Censorship and misinformation laws became commonplace. Workplaces closed. We became conditioned to socially distance ourselves from others. Families and communities were divided into vaccinated and unvaccinated. People lost their jobs.

But it goes much deeper than that. 

As was stated in an article a few days ago:

A world run by the alphabet agencies and groups who are hell bent on sending us to some kind of Sesame Street dystopia where we are ruled by the letters U and N, and W and E and F with a slice of L and G  and B and T on the side. 

I believe legalising gay marriage has not helped. Countries everywhere have -  over the past decade - welcomed gay marriage and no one really minded – it was seen as a fair thing to do…. Yet since then, we have witnessed an alarming increase in gender dysphoria and transgender rights that have left even many in the gay community gobsmacked and aghast.

Previously private parts of human relationships are now being promoted and displayed by many from the Main Stream media.

At Christmas, 2019 , Teen Vogue featured an article about anal sex, targeting their 13 – 18 year old female audience.

Human Rights legislation has all but destroyed National Sovereignty. 

Immigration or, as some call it “ invasion “ from the Middle East and Africa where cultural identities of Nations have been eroded and quickly changed irrevocably; increased hatred of Jews and Christians and the tolerance of Islam has reached fever heights.

Advertisements on television promote interracial relationships and white males, being castigated and insulted for their gender and their race is commonplace.

Hate-filled feminazi’s have replaced strong-willed feminists who, instead of equality, demand superiority and the destruction of any poor bloke with a white skin and a job.

Public Broadcasters are promoting and encouraging socialism and manipulating history to reflect their view of the utopian socialist future they wish to impose upon us all.


Babies are now legally “ terminated “ up until birth, and in some locations, allowed to be terminated even after they have filled their little lungs with their first breath of air. Their little bodies sold to the highest bidder for spare parts, women’s vanity and Lord knows what other horrific and evil soup the market decides it is going to sell.

Female children are mutilated and then covered from head to toe , deprived of the joy of feeling the sun on their skin and feeling the breeze against their little arms and legs for fear that it may stir some man’s lust and cause him to rape or violate her body.


Weather is now called a Climate Emergency and has robbed our youngsters of the hope of a future: now they are visiting child psychologists in increasing numbers as they battle depression and fear of dying before they reach adulthood.

A decade of horror, misinformation, Orwellian distortion and the attempted destruction of everything our Nations have stood for and been for hundreds of years – wiped out in under one decade.

Our education system is in decay, our children cannot write, hold a pen correctly, use punctuation, spelling or correct grammar anymore; our children have preachers, not teachers, our newspapers and television stations distort, not report and our families are being torn apart by political division and moral differences of opinion.

People from the traditional or Conservative point of view watch their words and behaviour when in public or private gatherings and risk being disowned should they voice their opinion when with more “ woke” friends or fellow citizens.

Tantrums from children and adults who act like children have become more violent, more intense and more dangerous.

Those of us who are not part of their crowd must share our views quietly and in measured tones for fear of being closed down, arrested or shunned like modern day metaphorical lepers.


Movies these days are no longer entertainment – they have to have a message. Jokes must be politically correct and therefore are not funny anymore.

We lost our sense of humour, our sense of self and our ability to know the difference between right and wrong, as opposed to right or left.

We have seen the inmates take over the asylum and they are self-medicating with synthentic drugs, hatred and a zealous of hitherto unknown levels – not seen before – or certainly since the dark days of the Witch hunts or the Spanish Inquisition.

Pedophilia is widespread; child trafficking is unprecedented and the neglect of our elderly, young and our animals is beyond my comprehension.

When the President Trump meme came out some time ago “ They are not coming for me. They are coming for you. I am just in their way “ ' the words should be shouted from every conservative and decent human being on this great planet.

Because his Presidency was, literally, standing in the way of our complete defeat.

And they managed to lie and cheat to overthrow him in 2020. What they are doing now is even worse - they are trying to imprison and silence him, and, with him, the last resistance to complete destruction of freedom. 

Somehow, I feel that the rest of 2024 is pivotal.

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 assault on our liberty, we are now facing food shortages. Fuel shortages. Housing is in crisis. War. The complete overthrow of our old conservative ways of life.

Financial and Moral bankruptcy. The entire overthrow of everything we have worked so hard for over the past century and a half.

We are seeing increasing deaths of previously fit and healthy people in the prime of their life. Children with heart conditions. Declining fertility and an almost frenzied fight to force the rest of us to have the jab that has caused so much controversy.

People being arrested for hate crimes and in too many cases - without charge.

The clock is at 30 seconds to midnight and something has to be done and done QUICKLY.

Throughout the world, all eyes are looking to the American presidential election. 

It has been over 2000 years since one man was tasked with so much. And, we all know how that ended: to say that this election has Biblical consequences may not be an understatement. 


CitizenGO internal sources from the UN just dropped a bombshell on us: 

The globalists and radical left controlling the World Health Organization are plotting a so-called 'marathon' - a two-week stretch in Geneva come this February 19th.

What's the game plan? To ram through and secure critical sections of the Pandemic Treaty to ensure it is ratified in May 2024 before anyone finds out the truth of their power grab. 

We're against the clock.

Globalists seek to become the global health authority before "the next pandemic strikes."

But we know that this isn't about health - it's about who holds the reins of power in times of crisis. 

During the Covid-19, our basic freedoms were put on hold out of fear. Lockdowns, passports, and forced vaccinations were imposed, and anyone who resisted faced major rights restrictions.

The globalist elites have recognized the immense control they can gain over a terrified population, and they want to ensure that power with the Pandemic Treaty.

If ratified, this treaty isn't just a piece of paper – it's legally binding and could irreversibly change the face of global health governance

These are, in a nutshell, some powers the World Health Organization seeks to seize, demanding billions of Euros to fund their corruption and power grabs:

        • Enhanced control over countries, doctors, hospitals, and other groups impacting their decision-making about health.
        • Authority to make global health decisions, reducing each country's sovereignty and your right to decide on health decisions (even vaccines) for yourself and your loved ones.
        • Ability to declare a pandemic, which could drastically affect our lives and economies, as globalists seize the power to control travel, communication, religious gatherings and even work.
        • Treaty measures to combat so-called misinformation that will limit our free speech and give atheist globalists the power to say what is true and what is not true.

And all of this will be done with billions and billions of Euros of your tax money.

The WHO's rushed push is a sign of their desperation.


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