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When I received my new kettle a few days ago, it whistled and yelled loudly that it had arrived.    Poor Shaydee was very upset at the noise.   Noise has become something that many people no longer like.   Especially when it is shrill and high pitched.   Like so many young people today.   So many lefties love to screech.   Maybe, like my kettle, they are just letting off steam?    Perhaps they are frustrated because they are told what to think and not how to think. 

Have you ever wondered how and why the Youth of today are  holding rallies ,  their loud voices proclaiming all sorts of alarming predictions for the future.   Using people like Greta Thunberg to speak with fire and brimstone about the end of the world.   Pretending that young kindergarten  children  have important things to say about what they think the future holds.   Even using "old white  men " who should know better to say the end is nigh!      People who are easily conned into believing things that all the Scientists are telling us is untrue. 

Maybe young people today are like my kettle? Screaming and letting off steam because no one will let them have ambition and think for themselves. 

I had finished my books from the library , and was reading an old Agatha Christie novel,  "Passenger to Frankfurt" published in 1970 when I came upon a very interesting paragraph.   It was a conversation with some   ex Military gentlemen voicing concerns about the future.

"Youth is what you might call the  spearhead of it all.   But that's not really what is so worrying.   They - whoever they are - work through youth.   Youth in every country.   Youth urged on.   Youth chanting slogans , slogans that sound exciting, though they don't always know what they mean.   So easy to start a revolution.   That's natural to youth.   All youth  has always rebelled.   You rebel, you pull down, you want the world to be different  from what it is.   But you're  blind too.   There are bandages over the eyes of youth .    They can't see where things are taking them.     What's going to come next?  What's in front of them?   And who it is behind them,  urging them on?   That's what's frightening about it.   You know, someone holding out the carrot to get the donkey to come along and at the  same time there is someone behind the donkey urging it on with a stick".

Isn't that saying something, written all those years ago and so spot on when dealing with the  antics of modern society.

"Passenger to Frankfurt" is a novel by Agatha Christie, published in 1970. Unlike many of her other works, which are primarily detective fiction, "Passenger to Frankfurt" is more of a thriller with political intrigue.

The story begins with Sir Stafford Nye, a British diplomat, encountering a mysterious young woman named Countess Renata Zerkowski at the Frankfurt airport. She persuades him to exchange tickets with her, thus involving him in a web of international conspiracy and espionage. Nye finds himself embroiled in a plot involving a secret organisation that seeks to manipulate world events for its own sinister purposes.

But back to our little ones.  

What is a  more enjoyable sight than to see  on enrolment day the young 5  year old holding Mum or Dad's hand , the excitement  , starting school  ,  joining the big kids.    Such a  shame to think that their innocent  lives are to be filled with  propaganda fed to them by some "leftie lovie" that frightens them  into  wondering what their future holds.        What can we do to stop this Hitler Youth type  indoctrination. 


I had a friend many years ago who used to say “ wouldn’t it be nice… “ and then say something quite lovely.  

Wouldn’t it be nice…

If only we could turn the clock back and have all our young ones enjoying life, playing their favourite sport , having fun at school instead of  only  the fortunate few not troubled by the lies that are being told them.   We do not need our kids told that  they  can change  their  gender  at the drop of a hat and have their lives changed permanently.   We do not need them to be told that the world is coming to an end so what is the point of learning . 

 We need some positive and encouraging  teaching  , examples  of the good things  that make life worth living.

Wouldn’t it be nice?

Instead, we have our grandchildren and great grandchildren being urged on and being told to :
chant slogans , slogans that sound exciting, though they don't always know what they mean.   So easy to start a revolution.   That's natural to youth.  


All youth  has always rebelled. 

They are told to rebel, to pull us down, and they want the  world to be different  from what it is.  

But they’re  blind too.   There are bandages over the eyes.

They can't see where things are taking them.    

What's going to come next?  What's in front of them?   And who it is behind them,  urging them on?   That's what's frightening about it.  

You know, someone holding out the carrot to get the donkey to come along and at the  same time there is someone behind the donkey urging it on with a stick".

Now, that is not nice. 


I suppose it makes me think about ambition.   Is this what we are telling our children to ignore?   No desire for success?   No desire for distinction?   Just lives following a carrot that is stale and dried up but dressed up to be pretty and tasty?    That is how it seems to me.   

No one needs a stick to be driven by ambition.   It comes from within.   Our children need ambition.   Not a carrot on a stick to strive them towards greatness.   Particularly when the carrot is really the stick. 


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