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Most, if not all of us have a freezer of one size or another.  But, do you know exactly what's in there? Is your freezer stacked with neat packages clearly stating contents and date?
Or, is it like mine where shrivelled and  discoloured meats lay in unmarked icy heaps proving that freezer paper does have a use-by-date?
All those costly packs of meat and fish were  bought on "special". 
They were too big a bargain to pass up. However, out of sight, out of mind is an old saying specially invented for the home freezer. 
Two or three years down the line none of those wonderful bargains are fit for human consumption and into the garbage they go. 
Legs of lamb, huge chunks of stewing beef, that bloody big mullet the neighbour gave you three years  back and a full kilo of school prawns from one of the fishos at the club who died ages ago. 
Calculate your savings now. 
Freezer destruction can go unheeded for forever. 
Three things can force one's attention to action. A blackout long enough to rot the whole lot.  


No room left to freeze that half  lamb a farmer swapped you for a six-pack last time the farmers got shafted. 
And, a more serious motivator, no room left to make ice cubes for your Jack Daniels. 
And don't forget the thawing time even if you find something worthwhile eating.

A fourth reason recently discovered (not recommended for a harmonious household) was forgetting to do the shopping and the cupboard being bare—an important meeting at the club, you know. 
Alas, to the freezer I cheerfully went. 

What do you know, some prawns I see. They were rather small and being wrapped in newspaper I guessed them to be some old bait. Same for the fish, they might once have been pilchards. 
Mercy be! The jackpot. 
Behind some old bread were lamb shanks welded together in a plastic shopping bag. I remembered buying them when they were considered a cheap cut of meat, not a delicacy. 
Never mind, beggars can't be choosers and besides, a bit of curry powder cures all. 
 The word "curry" is believed to have been derived from the Tamil word "kari," which means sauce or gravy. Indian cuisine has a rich tradition of using various spices and herbs to create flavorful dishes. Early versions of curry-like dishes can be traced back to ancient times in the Indian subcontinent, with evidence of the use of spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and ginger.
The popularity of curry spread beyond the Indian subcontinent through ancient trade routes. Arab traders introduced Indian spices to the Middle East, while Indian merchants carried their culinary traditions to Southeast Asia. This exchange of goods and ideas led to the incorporation of curry into various regional cuisines. 

During the age of European colonialism, the British East India Company played a significant role in popularizing curry in the West. British colonizers developed a taste for Indian cuisine and brought curry recipes back to Europe. By the 18th century, curry became a staple dish in Britain, often adapted to suit local tastes and ingredients.

Curry was invented to mask the unspeakable. A little basmati rice was  found in the cupboard and along with a few odds and ends  a  most delicious biryani resulted. 
I thought so, anyway. 
A  biryani  (pilaf) is a somewhat complicated Indian method of cooking meat and rice together if done according to tradition. However, with a few short-cuts the worst of cooks can surprise everybody with a delicious one-pot meal. 
And, using lamb shanks it's as cheapest meat you can get these days. At about $12 - $16 a kilo, that is a worry. 
As the price of meat sky rockets in Australia, perhaps the Household Money Pit holds great treasures? 
But cheap as chips if you bought them years ago and found them at the bottom of your freezer before the world went mad . 
Dig Deep. You never know what you may find buried under the layers of ice in that Australian wonder: the Chest Freezer. 
As long as the power doesn't go out. Otherwise it will be a trip to the tip and time to look for a recipe for Cricket Soup. 
This dish is not hot and suitable for kids. If you want it hot add chili to your taste.
Simple Lamb Biryani
serves 4-6
6 lamb shanks 
2 cups Basmati rice 
2 med. onions sliced 
3 cloves garlic, chopped 
1/2 cup raisins 
1 cup beef stock 
2 tbs. ground coriander
1 tbs. ground cumin
2 tbs. butter 
Salt & pepper.  
Place shanks in a pot, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Cover pot and simmer 2 hrs. Remove meat from bones and set aside, reserve 2 cups of stock.
Melt butter in a large pot, add onions and garlic and cook for a few minutes. Add coriander, cumin and chili (optional) mixing well over heat. Mix in the lamb and sprinkle with raisins.  Put rice over meat, add beef and or lamb stock, pepper & salt and bring to a boil. Cover and place in 180c oven for 30 mins. never lifting  the lid.  You could serve this with any vegetable and Leb-bread. Leftovers, if any, are fabulous the next day. 
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